Changing-unknown author

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Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Saw the Avengers last weekend- absolutely amazing! My current favourite film and these 2 are my current favourite pairing! I kept elbowing my friend every time they came on, especially when they had scenes together! This is my first Avengers fanfiction so I hope I do it justice!


He's always been good at disappearing off, hiding in curious places to keep an eye on events and when he doesn't want to be found he makes damn sure he isn't until he gets a message requesting his presence.

And so it comes of no surprise to the rest of the team that as soon as the medics let them all out of the hospital wing, Clint, Natasha, Tony and Steve armed with various painkillers and medicines, Clint disappears.

"Do you think we should...?" Steve hesitates wondering whether the best course of action is to leave the archer alone. All eyes turn to Natasha who sighs heavily debating what to do. She knows that Clint wants to be left alone but also that to leave him alone would be the worst thing to do.

"I'll go." She offers quietly rubbing a tired hand across her eyes and meandering slowly down a corridor trying to decide where to start looking, knowing she's in for a long search. But still she knows her partner better than anyone else, knows that he's beating himself up for letting Loki take over his mind and knows that he hates himself for fighting her. She hates herself for fighting him too, even if she had no option.

And so while it would have taken anyone else several hours to hunt the archer down she finds Clint in just under an hour having nosed into most corners of the helipad but finds him in the bathroom attached to his room sitting on the toilet seat head in his hands.

"Of all the places to hide." She comments lightly leaning against the doorframe and crossing her hands over her chest.

He doesn't look up and his voice is rough when he speaks. "Not hiding."

"Sure you're not." She crosses the small space in two steps and grasps his hands tightly tugging him out of the bathroom and into his room pushing him onto the bed and sitting next to him. They sit in silence as she waits for him to speak but quickly realises she will have to be the one to make the first move. "It wasn't your fault." She speaks softly but firmly laying her hand on his knee and squeezing.

"I attacked the helipad." He mumbles keeping his eyes trained on the floor. "I let them in; if I hadn't those agents wouldn't have died, Coulson wouldn't have..." He breaks off for a second and gathers his emotions together. He's an assassin; he rarely betrays his feelings and he certainly doesn't have this type of reaction to death. But this is different because he knew these people and he knew Coulson.

Natasha watches him carefully breathing a sigh of relief as the cloud starts to leave his face. But then it returns more forcefully than ever as he turns to look at her horror written across his face. "We fought didn't we? I hurt you, oh god Tasha I..."

She panics slightly watching him get worked up as he starts to ramble breathless in horror at what he did. "Clint." She whispers softly turning his face to look at her. "I'm fine." She ignores the sting of bruises covering her body, some of which she's sure result from her fight with her partner and focuses on him. "Besides I won." She smirks at him hoping to lighten the mood. "Knocked you out cold."

"Thanks for that by the way." His smile is small but at least he has one and she breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh god what did I do?" He moans suddenly his head dropping down into his hands again and Natasha closes her eyes again as intense hatred for Loki curses through her; she hated the guy before but watching Clint blame himself for something which is all the bloody God's fault brings about the emotion more strongly than she's ever felt before.

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