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Hello, fellow readers, friends and fans! It's been a long time coming that I would be back to Wattpad, that's only if I had time and at the current moment I do. In any case, this story is something-special I conjured up while witnessing the pandemic and the protesting that happened last year all combined with some news I watched from Now This News and periodically reading and gaining potential inspiration from "1984" by George Orwell.

The idea of this particular synopsis came when I was thinking one day about what exactly would happen if one of each different colors live in a seemingly never ending world inside of a small white box like room. I also wanted to bring up a new dystopian sci-fi like story for the present since there hasn't been one to my knowledge yet in the current year.

Nevertheless, the duration from trying to come up with the place where the main characters are set at of their destination are all up to the reader's point of view. You might be able to figure it out by the clues in the twelves chapter I leave when I write whenever I can. As anything takes time, I might finish this story this year, I might finish it in a month, maybe even a week, but that all is up to time & my schedule especially.

Before we can begin to the story, I would like to thank my two people of the book industry that I look up to for getting me back into reading. Those special people are Ransom Riggs & Ray Bradbury. Ransom's stories are what really made go back into writing. I like to think that when I finished his first novel: "Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children", he really made me get into a motivation drive for reading new books and learning how to use the lessons presented in my daily life. Furthermore, Ray Bradbury's, "Fahrenheit 451" is the story which really got me into dystopia and earnestly into reading books in general.

One thing that Ransom's story taught me was to really expand my imagination, think of a good way to use the characters in the book, how well they interact with one another, and how they would try to resolve everyday problems with their solutions. One thing that Bradbury's story taught me was how to prepare people for a future that might went into happening, what if things really started going for the worst and how on earth would we as a people counter it. Would we keep doing the rule? Would we steal and rewrite history? Would we change and try for a better peace? Would we rebel against it? How would the future be if we interacted now? Would we be remembered for the events we worked so hard for to happen and change the outcome? So many questions come into play, and yet we wonder so much. It's a good thing we are aware, and we are intelligent about the things that may foresee itself. This might sound as some sort of a joke to some people, but take it seriously. What would we be up against and how would people follow a new leader? This takes a lot of thinking. This is why we read books to challenge one another with different words we might learn and use in our vocabulary. This is why we learn new ideas and talk to other people about how we can change the present. This is why we have those in the current era and beyond.

Stories in general have a great way of telling what the author might see for the future. For example, if an author decides to use, "If only", "what if", and "if this goes on" then it's something that author might fear that it might come true in the future, that is if we don't act now. Imagine if we only had paper to write again and send it by via pigeon carrier or air mail, it would take too long, and sometimes the person may not respond to whatever reason they may have. You can rule out the theory of..."what if people only used phones and computers to communicate". For the most part, I am referring to the current situation of Covid-19. The idea basically became true if you think about it. However, I hope by the time you are reading this the pandemic is either over or you still have something good to read, watch and learn from it. In order to not be an ignorant person, a liar or a thief.

What Ray Bradbury really meant was what if we lost total communication, we may not be able to go outside or even socialize to one another ever as this theory could still happen.

Nonetheless, I would like to dedicate this story to all my friends out there in the world, I can't list them all here as that would take forever to concede with. Without my friends, I couldn't bear to even write a single story full of chapters and delight. Thanks for helping with things I couldn't understand, thanks for introducing me to other friends with other traits, thanks for hanging with me and continuously doing it in the future. Thanks for introducing me to things that I didn't know existed, and thanks for being kind to me. God bless you all. So any friend who is reading this, any relative, maybe even a person that I have meet in classes, talked to randomly or anyone online, I thank you for just being a good friend and for having great relationships with everyone else as that is one of the themes of the book.

For all my friends out there.

"I didn't know what to call it, what was happening between us, but I liked it. It felt silly and fragile and good."  ― Ransom Riggs

See you all on the flip side! I hope you all enjoy the good story I have written for you and I hope you learn something useful that you could use in your day to day life from it. I hope to see you all again real soon!




This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Copyright © 2021 by M.M.Fox.

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