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This and that went around to a working agenda, a consistent check for The Panel. The workers continued their projects as the Panel took commend of the field and the building went into deep hibernation until the next phase.

On the hour of nine, the six individuals all woke up simultaneously as the Elocutionist would sound the alarm to each room. He would then put on the speakers, calling out: "TIME FOR WORK, GET UP, AND BRUSH UP BECAUSE TODAY IS ANOTHER HOUR. WHOEVER IS LATE SHALL RECEIVE A PENALTY."

If anyone were to get three penalties in total, they would be chained to the Redrum Room, a reputed place where the nightmares and the fears of the certain individual would gather in forms they couldn't even imagine. None of the workers were ever late, so it did improve the traction of the people getting up on time. The last part of the quota was more of a wake up call rather than an actual warning.

The thought of one's idea and desire of committing treason may possibly be a danger to any of the sick subjects. Beyond that, the will of one would certainly take power in a whole abundance of a direction. Yet the ideas of mankind can become a place of discrimination by any way necessary.

If you could save the generosity given to you as a patient of a doctor who has saved you from a life-threatening situation, then the way of life could very will be a test. A need of saying can always depend on what they may be saying or how they are saying it. Man, and Woman are being tested each day, from what you eat, what you say, the actions that you may do, the work that you put in place, the rules that you make or are false, the truths and the lies, the way you change a system whether it looks good, it may bad, and if it looks bad, it may be good. The same goes for the system of a school.

If the associates were to deliberately change the rules that would be for the parent, the person would send their kids to school. When an incident regarding a bully might occur or even when a school decides to criticize a youngster based on their clothing, the administration might fire back at the residents of the neighborhood. A good rule isn't always bad, and a bad rule isn't always good even if they insist that it's for the greater good. The eyes of people and the perception is what we should look out for. A place may have good intentions but sometimes even the good can have a corrupt environment and sometimes the bad can have a good, hidden friendship.

Thus, this whole system of race, age, sexuality, color of one's hair, the voice of a person, tone, shape, size, and the list can go on and on to the point where it becomes a mess. A territory where you can't control it, and eventually nature will take its course. It's possible to change minor things along the way, but it's impossible to change the straight line.

Still, when there were twenty stations the room meant more to the Panel. Back in the past, people did get late, but the place they were taken to was a dungeon of sorts that no one would be able to come back from. Nonetheless, sometimes the workers could handle their worst fears which would allow them to return to work unharmed and sometimes they would not be themselves in the right mind of the Inside.

For those unwell from the punishment and the torture from the Redrum Room, those who would not be themselves were merely brainwashed. When the user would be in this trance, a key part of theirselves would be locked. The new personality from the brainwashing would be a new being. If one were to get out of this scenario, they would take greater measures to even fulfill the requirements of an agreement plan. There was always one person to live and split bodies, so that the other personality could live. Workers felt the company was having a bargain sale where one human could become a norm again.

The Redrum Room did exist, but it wasn't called that officially. Although they could not remember what the book was named after, the name had been chosen by the workers because it reminded them of a classic horror novel. However, little did they know, the inspiration came from a real life hotel. The real title of the door was only mentioned once in a book. A book hidden from the public eye and the from the company's view. Supposedly, someone wrote that the Redrum Room was actually an room where they could escape the building and be free. To no one's surprise, the book has since been called a legend. The last fact was that the author left clues for the chosen to find it and get away, but that was presumably a myth.

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