wdym Dustberry??

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Dust: so blue came up to me the other day-

Horror: *is eating somethin', let's all hope it's not human meat* really? what did he want?

Dust: he tried to,,,, seduce me-?

Horror: *he like- spit all of the food and started choking violently* hE WhAt?!?!?!

Dust: I know right- like what the fuck??

Horror: and?? What did you say???

Dust: I told him to fuck off-

Horror: wait really-? I thought you were into him??

Dust: wHo ThE fUcK ToLd yOu I'm iNtO HiM???

Horror: idk man you looked at him like you were into him-

Dust: I have no idea what you're talkin' about- *he kinda like- leaned his head on Horror's shoulder* -also you smell like cheese

Horror: I'll take that as a confession in love *he continued chewing the questionable meat-*


Are those 2 a thing?
What fate did Blueberry see?
Will he find another love interest?

Find out in the next episode of ★THE STAR SANSES ON CRACK★

Stay tuned

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