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Komaru POV

The Warriors Of Hope have been adapting to their new life at highschool pretty well, Jataro is still having trouble with bullies but the Warriors Of Hope have been defending him.

Nagisa has been pretty much himself but me and Toko have gotten him to study less and work on his social skills, not forcing him into anything but we have tried our best to limit how long he is studying to 2 hours so he's not obsessing over it.

Kotoko has been... Kotoko, she's less mean to jataro which is good, but we still can't say gentle around her which is okay its pretty easy to filter the word out of a sentence. She still does acting and is really good at it!

Monaca is alright, she's nice too the other Warriors Of Hope and but you can't mention junko around her, junko was pretty much her only parental figure up until me and Toko adopted her so I can imagine how hurtful it must feel now that junko is gone, but monaca is doing well! She's very friendly with everyone and is probably the reason the Warriors Of Hope are popular at school!

Masaru is pretty much the same as he was, but he has almost completely stopped self harm! I'm very proud of him! He's also still full of energy and a big handful but thats what we love about him.

Jataro is, as I said still having to do with bullies but is actually fairly popular, he still is focused on arts and crafts and has trouble talking to people, he has stopped wearing his mask but doesn't like people seeing his face.

"HEYYYYYY" my thinking was cut off by Masaru running in and screaming, I was not ready to deal with this at.. like probably 10:00 AM. Wait

"10:00AM?!?!" I yelled out

"Well yeah everyone else was telling I shouldn't come wake you up but oh well!" Masaru said still keeping up his energy.

"Thanks human alarm clock" i said with a laugh and then got up too make breakfast, God today will be a long day

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