
217 1 3

GymShipping = Misty x Brock.

I used to really dislike Misty as a character, but now I think she's alright. Anyways, I really do not approve of this shipping. First of all it feels like Brock (if you class him as an adult in the anime and Misty as a 10 year old) is a nonce in this shipping. Neither character have feelings for each other and I would never ship these two together. Misty would be better suited with Ash than Brock (this coming from someone who's OTP is Amour).  Brock would be better with Olivia or Lucy. Or he could have a threesome because why the hell not. Or Brock could be gay? Ye never know. 

The hints for this pairing are super weak, these two do not feel like they could be in love with each other. It's just a bad shipping. I'm sorry to anyone who has this as their OTP, but I just don't like it all. Both are better off with other people.

Rating: 3/10

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