
339 4 8

Listen, let's take a moment to not lose our minds over this. Over recent months I've realised something, we have this all wrong. This isn't a ship with anime Serena? It's Serena from the games and the manga (which I'll probably never read because I can't actually be bothered to tbh.) Calem in the games could be more fleshed out (shame we never got a Pokemon Z) but water under the bridge. This is a shipping which is supposed to be about the manga and games, not the anime. Now I don't ship this but I still don't think it deserves the hate it gets.

I think it's pretty obvious who I would pair calem with (it's Ash (joking))

Since I don't really know enough about this ship to make a crucial judgement, either way, I will give it the sensible rating of a 6/10.

Leave more shipping suggestions to review below and I shall continue with this.

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