Chapter 14: *click*

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[⚠️Content Warning ⚠️: Smut 👁👅👁🤌✨]

Y//N and Tom went home after the wedding and fell right asleep, it was pretty darn exhausting!

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(The Next Morning...)

Y/N and Tom woke up the following morning and their phones were blowing up. The amount of messages they got from their friends and social media notifications were uncanny! what could this be about?

Y/N rubbed her eyes and hastily grabbed her phone to see the fuss. Looking through the messages a lot of her friends and  co workers were telling her to check out TMZ's newest headline. It was titled 'Tom and Y/N! Scandalous sex life!'

First that was disgusting, it was more than just sex, Two, Y/N and Tom had been totally exploited and so many people had something to say, whether it was the age gap or past ex's or just insane rumours!

Tom looked furious and this time Y/N didn't know what to do. He got on the phone with someone and started talking about a possible lawsuit and some other stuff whilst Y/N read the article! Very time they heard *CLICK*, every photo was exposed! From the Premiere when they kissed, to the airport and then the wedding! People were sure getting some gossip today and it wasn't pretty!

Tom got off the phone and paced around the room furrowing his hair with his hands, Y/N knew she should be serious in the situation but he looked so hot angry. "babe, babe? Tom?!" Y/N asked. He didn't reply. Y/N stood up of the bed and put her hand on his shoulder and then sat him down onto the side of the bed. "Hey, hey, it'll be fine Tom. babe, trust me, it'll all be fine" Y/N said to comfort and calm Tom.
He had his hands in his face and then looked up and put his hand onto his forehead, still not replying but thinking, a whole lot.

Y/N tried to comfort him but Tom was so tense. "What do you want to do about this?" Tom asked Y/N. She replied "I mean we are living together now right? And if we're comfortable in this relationship maybe we can tell everyone else?!" She said the last part hesitantly, hoping that they were both could agree. "Really? Are you sure? i don't mind, i just want you to be safe and happy Y/N" Tom looked up towards Y/N and held her hand and kissed it.

A few hours later they both decided to respond to everything and tell the public that they are in fact dating, they shut down any false information and rumours. Y/N was surprised by the amount of supporters and so was Tom.

They both got ready and had a wonderful breakfast. Pancakes with honey and berries along with a nice brew (tea).

They were called in for intervene and statements and they decided to get that done with today and then they can live happily after everything was cleared up.
One interview asked "So Tom, I love the fact that both you and Y/N are together and i absolutely love this! When did you first meet Y/N and when did you both start talking?" the interviewer was really n ur and joyful and wasn't rude in any manner which was nice for a change. "Honestly, I first saw Y/N at an event and she took my breath away! We later starting talking a lot more when we started to film Fathom." Tom replied whilst smiling more and more. Just the thought of Y/N made Tom euphoric.

(Yes, this song, idk fits the vibesz in my opinion lmao)

Later on in the day towards the late evening, Y/N and Tom decided to have a picnic. They packed some baguettes, cheese, crackers and made sandwiches. They also made a little minimalist cake.

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