Chapter 4: 'FATHOM' Table Read

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(7th May)

"ALRIGHT! FATHOM IS OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL!" the director says and everybody cheers and jeers about! everyone's giggling and wearing big smiles that make your cheeks hurt! from the corner of my eye i noticed Tom looking at me, i didn't pay heed or show that i knew, i didn't want to think something that it wasn't, but my mind wanders a lot.

"Y/N you'll play 'Dalia Suzette', Which is the dominatrix and eventually the killer of 'Zachary Ginzsgherburt', who is played my Tom, Marie you will play 'Annie' who is Zachary's ex-wife, but you are a very suspicious woman! umm, Hallie you will play 'Laura June', the second detective, Thomas you will be playing 'Detective Oswald', who's Annie's new husband and primary detective on the case." The director made everyone's roles pretty clear and that's when i noticed, i was the lead role along with TOM! WHAT! THE! ACTUAL! FUCK! then it clicked, 'dominatrix, Dominatrix, DOMINATRIX', wait, i'm diminishing TOM? i mean, Zachary, wwit does that mean a sex scene?! I-

we went through the table read for the first few scenes and it was honestly fun and give us all. better way of connecting, getting to know each other and understand this project and the characters we played. "Dalia, hmm, nice to meet you, Zachary Ginzsgherburt, YOU?" Tom read as Zachary in a deep and smirkish way. "I'm Dalia Suzette", i read confidently and with regality! the rest of the table read went great and i got along great with everyone, i felt me and Tom had great chemistry but i could be wrong since i am biased after all! everyone packed up and started to go home before realising the director was talking to Tom, he eventually also went and on his way out said, "I'm glad we're working together, it's going to be so much fun!" with a smile.
"Y/N L/N, come here, we need to talk about some stuff!" the director calls you. "yeah, sure what is it, everything ok?" i said nervously and hesitantly.
Everything is going great, the cast is perfect, the main characters have great chemistry all ready, everything is absolutely perfection!," he said chuckling then turning serious and saying, "I'm pretty sure you know that your character is a seductive dominatrix in a way, and that means you have to do a few sex scenes with Tom, i just want to make sure you're ok with that and if you have any questions, feel free to ask right now."
"i'm fine with them, but, umm, do i have to be fully nude, eva she i am pretty uncomfortable with that at the moment!" i said in a quiet voice.
"ah no it's totally fine, you will have undergarments on and no nudity in the sense of private parts will be shown! when we come to outfit specifics for the scene, we'll figure it out together!" he said in a way that made me feel so safe and comfortable!
"thank you so much, and i can't wait to start production", i said in a intensely happ voice! we both said our goodbye's and i went home.

Arriving back home, i got comfortable, took out some red wine and made fettuccini alfredo, ate it and rang up my friends! fi and josh were happy as usual, Aidan was seeking out some new dudes on grindr, he wanted something serious now, haha! Kyra was living her best life being single and figuring out her daddy kink. Esha and Nyx were going out and they were so damn cute! they were to live for and everything everyone wanted to be, i filled them all in on my role in 'FATHOM', they all 'ooooed' and '-OOOPED' at it whilst i loathed trying not to get flustered or blushed but they saw it for sure!

going through the entire script, 'Dalia and Zachary had a very close relationship, and me and Tom barely knew each other for the most part, so without thinking i invited him over for dinner...

(Y/N): Hey, would you like to have dinner with me tonight and go over tomorrow's lines?
(Tom): Yes, thats great, thank you.
(Y/N): I made Fettucini Alfredo, i hope you like that and Red Wine.
(Tom): Ah yes, i love it all!

i texted him my address and soon after he knocked on the door looking handsome as ever, his hair was a tad messy, he wore a loose shirt and jeans, the sight of him made my legs feel like jelly. and where i was in dark grey joggers, a loose maroon top and a zipper up hoodie.

"Hey, you look great, welcome into my home", i laughed and gestured making him laugh and smile widely. he handed me a bottle of white wine and whilst the pasta was doing we rehearsed some lines and talked about our lives. after eating and rehearsing it got quite late and we were quite drunk, i offered to let him stay in the spare room and he agreed to.

we sat on the balcony, whilst looking into the dark quiet starry sky he said, "i have my parents and my two sisters, what about you? you're quite mysterious, i don't knew much about you?!" he looked into my eyes and we felt a spark but i'm pretty sure it was just the fact that we were drunk but i'm not sure!
"i have my parents and my __ siblings", i replied, we talked for a while  and it had seemed like we knew each other's for years! from our interests in music to our likings in food, we connected so much! he came closer towards me, urging his hand on mine and looking deep into my eyes, before my anxiety kicked in and got up and i said "i'm off to bed, i'm so tired and tomorrow is a big day amiright?" nervously.
"yeah, yeah of course, and once again thank you for the dinner and letting me stay here tonight." Tom replied, i smiled and went to bed with my heart beating through my chest!

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(The Next Morning, 8th May {A/N: these dates help me lol, ignore them if you want})

"Hey!", i said nervously as i handed him a cup of coffee, hoping it would be ok and also focusing on getting forks of this headache i had form bring the tiniest bit hungover. "Ah this is perfect coffee. thank you Y/N", Tom replied smiling and thanking you through his eyes.

The rest of the day was pretty simple, i shot a lot of scenes, me and the cast talked a lot, got close, and i felt myself falling for tom more and more each day, which horrified me, the more feelings i caught the harder it would be for me to shoot a damn sexy scene!

Toward the end of the day at work, everyone was laughing and cracking jokes whilst Tom started doing Loki impressions and everyone else followed! At times, he would sit close to me on the bean bags and put his hand on my back subconsciously whilst laughing, which made my back tingle and sent shivers down my spine. i didn't mind it at all though!


"He-" (Y/N)
"Hey Y/N, please come to the hospital quick,
PLEASE!" fifi whispered crying with her voice raspy as could be!
Before i cold reply the phone switched off and i felt a bad vibes so i got worried making my face  show, Tom looked and noticed and he stopped laughing. i walked up to my cast mates and told them i'm going home and i made up a tiny lie, i walked out as fast as possible before a few years dropped onto my skin and people noticed. Tom grabbed my wrist from walking fast, and and said with pure and genuine concern, "Hey, You alright? Is everything ok?!"
"i'm not cute honestly, i got a call from my closest friend to come to the hospital and she was crying, so i think i overreacted and started crying", i laughed whilst replying!
"It'll be fine, tell me what happens and i'm always here to talk! test me later!" he looked at me deeply my eyes, wiping my tears that we're streaming down my face, and hugged me. i replied thank you with a whisper, my voice hurt.

i walked hastingly into the hospital trying to find Fifi, Josh, Esha, Aidan, Nyx and Kyra! i finally found them all and hugged them until i realised Ky was missing, "where, where is, Kyra?!", i asked, knowing that maybe something had happened to her but i didn't want to believe it! they all looked in my eyes with tears, us,  confirming it to each other but i asked again, "WHERE! THE! FUCK! IS! KYRA?!"
it couldn't be true, it just couldn't!

A doctor came into the waiting room we were in, calling us and saying,

"Kyra is...

{A/N: i'm sorry i didn't update this yesterday, i'm just going through things as i usually am! i hope you liked this chapter, please don't forget to vote and comment! Also what do you think about Kyra? What do you think about Tom?}

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