Chapter 7

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Avery left the Moretti Research Center with mixed feelings about her work day.  Her new title was now Director of Bioengineering, just as Lafaye commanded.  Moving into that position was not difficult, but it took her longer than expected since she was hesitant to use her psy.  She didn't feel right about exerting that sort of influence on the indigena.  The abusive use of psy was inexcusable to her.

She made her way toward her car in the parking lot, her heels clicking the pavement in perfect, even intervals.  There was no rush—plenty of time to make it to Ristorante Trivosi for her dinner with Nathan.  He had been looking forward to showing her this restaurant for days, talking about the food and the service with every free breath.

Avery paused as she reached her car and saw her reflection in the window.  The violet sunset behind her was beautiful—the light levels of the retreating sun cast a dream-like picturesque glow.  She stared back at herself critically—not able to see what others saw in her.  To her, she was the only thing in that reflection that was not beautiful.  She marveled at this planet, but felt as though she did not belong here with her people.  They had all assimilated so easily, but she continued to struggle to find happiness.

A soft wind blew her hair forward, scattering honey colored strands everywhere and obscuring her view.  She gathered her hair in one hand and turned to face the dusky sky to the west.  The colors here were marvelous to her.  Not much different than Caelus, but so much easier to view with all of the open space.

She felt a pang of homesickness at the thought.  When first leaving Caelus she missed her family and friends terribly.  Periodic communications had never completely erased the sting of leaving, and the ensuing guilt led to second guessing.  That was years ago, and with the passage of time she had hoped things would have become easier.

Tearing herself away from the view, she got into the car.  Everyone else had adjusted so easily to life here, but Avery felt profoundly dissatisfied.  It was as if every decision she made came from someone or something else, and she had nothing to show for it.  Even her success today—her elevated new position—brought her very little joy.

Nathan will be proud thoughAnd it may help our overall mission in some small way.

Avery put the research lab behind her and headed to the restaurant, trying to fight the feeling that she was not worthy of being here.

The mission on this planet began as an exciting adventure for her.  It had been exciting for all of Avery's people.  It was romantic, even spiritual.  The Caelans had never found a world with life, and when they did it was the most wondrous discovery in their history.  There was a global celebration.  But with the merrymaking came questions—difficult questions.  How should they proceed?  Should they announce themselves to the people here, or should they operate in stealth—learning what they could in secret?

When it was discovered that psy had not been mastered by the indigena, the decision was easy.  Manipulation through the mind was an elegant solution to a complicated problem.  And since the Caelan philosophy was built on the premise of trust, integrity and peace, there were little concerns that the power would be abused.

The thought made Avery nervous.  Now, everything had changed.  Iratus—anger—had changed everything.  Bitterness, resentment, and a host of other negative emotions had crept in to the Caelan hierarchy.  Regulus Nayyar had returned home—and the loss of a leader couldn't be taken lightly.  It was almost as if the indigena had infected them with some sort of disease.  Anger had been mastered by the Caelans long ago, the phrase 'peace all' was an integral part of their daily lives.  Those were not just words or forced emotion, it was a core belief—a desire.  It was not something easily dislodged.

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