Chapter 7: Family Business and Romantic Dinner

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Author's note: So sorry to make you wait over a month for this. I have been publishing twice-weekly to get my Christmas and New Year stories up, and I didn't want to make you wait another week for this, so here's the next chapter. I hope you think it is worth the wait!

Thank you to all the brilliant readers who so faithfully follow and respond to the chapters of this story. I am overwhelmed by the positive reception I've received on it. Despite the angst being over, I hope you continue to look forward to the rest. I know typically you get to the climax of a story, then the happy ending follows it right away, but I have a tendency to continue the happy ending for a few chapters, and I do enjoy finishing my stories with a lovely wedding and wedding night that is well deserved for the characters!

Sherlock awoke to complete silence in the flat. He could hear the noise of traffic outside.

He was surprised to see it was just after seven o'clock. Presumably Molly had already left for work. He was a little disappointed that he hadn't had the opportunity to see her before she left.

He couldn't help smiling a little as he opened the wardrobe to take out a shirt. It really was extraordinary that she had kept his clothes all these years. It certainly made things convenient for an overnight stay, although he felt it would be best if that did not happen again.

He recalled his cavalier words to John. "If we get to the point of intimacy, it will be at the right time, not like those ridiculous films where extreme circumstances lead couples straight to the bedroom." How clearly he could see now that he and Molly could all too easily fall prey to their own feelings and give in to them. He still thought films where people got carried away when they barely knew one another were preposterous, but he did have a long history with Molly. So that was probably the reason why he felt they were struggling to control their emotions. They were already committed to one another. Thinking of John made him also realise he'd have to tell his friend he'd proposed after all. John would probably find that hilarious.

Yes, he decided, I'll invite John over to Baker Street this afternoon for a short while when the cleaners are there, then go to the hospital to meet Molly after work so we can go ring-shopping.

Sherlock dressed and made the bed, placing his tartan pyjamas neatly on the end of it. He might be a slob in most things, but the one thing he had always done was make his bed, due to his mother's constant reminders whilst growing up in Sussex.

He prepared a cup of coffee, seeing that Molly had washed her coffee cup and put it on the dish drainer.

He took his cup to the table, where he saw a note.

I had to peek in at you to make sure the events of the past day were real and not a dream, but I didn't want to wake you. Help yourself to anything you want for breakfast. I'll text you once I get in touch with my pastor, hopefully before you go to the meeting with your parents. Let me know if you still want to go out this evening to look for rings. It's okay if you don't. I don't need a ring to know you love me. I love you. XX

He smiled at the note and folded it carefully, tucking it into his wallet. It was nice to have a tangible piece of evidence that proved she loved him as much as he loved her.

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