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Hongjoong's first few days at Taehwan's place were a little awkward, although he got even closer with Taehwan he still had the problem of how many people lived there, some days he forgot and ended up walking around half asleep only to be greeted by one of the big intimidating men that lived there.

But he didn't mind it, he made more progress on his project in those few days than he did the past month he had been working on it he was really thankful and really wanted to thank Taehwan in some way but he didn't really know how to do that,

"Hongjoong we can go now!" he heard the older call from downstairs, he had classes and although he insisted on taking the bus the older still insisted on taking him to class instead, and it's easy to guess who won, Hongjoong could never find himself winning against the older boy, no matter how hard he tried.

Hongjoong grabbed his bag and made sure he looked okay as he passed the mirror and quickly left the room, he ran down the stairs, the other people in the house said goodbye and encouraged him to do his best in class, although they were scary sometimes he would end up talking to them and he quickly realized that they all were also nice just like Taehwan was, so whenever they saw him leave for a class they would tell him bye and tell him to do his best.

When they got to the university Hongjoong got out of Taehwan's car only for the older to stop him.

"Wait, take this~ he said handing Hongjoong a bag filled with lunchboxes "I promised I'd make lunch for your friends someday so here you go," the older said with a big smile, Hongjoong smiled and happily accepted it.

Since he was living with Taehwan he always got lunch that the older made for him and his friends got more and more jealous every time, but they were also really curious as to who was making their friend such nice lunches.

"Oh, also they are each named~ you mentioned your friend's names before and I somehow remembered them all" Taehwan said before they said their goodbyes, Hongjoong walked into the campus, a few people were staring at him, maybe it was because they could see Taehwan through the windows of his car, or because his car was so expensive, whatever it was Hongjoong really didn't care much.

He only had one class until lunch so he hurried to it, hoping that if he got there early that it would start earlier and it would go by in a flash and surprisingly it did, the moment the professor dismissed them, Hongjoong was out of the class.

It wasn't that he didn't like the class, on the contrary, it was actually one of his favorite classes, but he wanted all his classes to end so he could go back and work on his project, he has found that being around Taehwan had given him a lot of inspiration to work on it, he wasn't a 100% sure why but whenever the older was in close range he felt really happy and excited.

It almost felt like he had known Taehwan his whole life and sometimes it felt familiar to be with him almost as if they knew one another before, maybe it was that in their past lives they were friends, maybe that was why he was so fond of the older.

He got to their lunch table first and started unpacking everything, he saw that every lunchbox had his friend's names on them, he smiled a little as he placed them down on the table and soon enough his friends arrived, one by one he gave them their lunchboxes and they all took them happily.

"Hyung did you make us lunch?" Jongho asked, causing Hongjoong to shake his head.

"Nope, Taehwan hyung made it for you all" Hongjoong said as he opened his, the others all smiled a little.

They heard quite a lot about Taehwan, they knew that he is currently housing Hongjoong so he could do his project they also knew that he was making sure that Hongjoong was eating properly and they could tell it was working as the boy did gain some weight, it was also obvious that Hongjoong was getting proper sleep as well, at first they were really worried about Hongjoong since they never met nor saw Taehwan but seeing that their friend was basically thriving they were set at ease.

As they were eating their lunch they slowly started hearing a lot of whispers around them.

"He's back again... do you think that someone in our school owes him money?" Hongjoong heard as one of the students passed them.

"Hmm" Hongjoong hummed as he took his phone out of his pocket, he scrolled a little and clicked on Taehwan's number.

After a little while he heard a familiar ringtone, and he started smiling, he saw the tall figure of the boy looking around, and almost every time he tried approaching someone they basically went pale, he laughed a little and waited for the older to answer his phone.

"Hyung if you look a little more to your right~," Hongjoong said, he saw the boy looking around once again and he jumped up and waved his free hand in the air, the older almost instantly smiled seeing Hongjoong and hung up, he walked over to the table.

Everyone around the table slowly started getting silent, they also got a little more pale as the man got closer to them, they shared a look almost as if telling one another that there was no way that this man was Taehwan, almost as if they wanted to reassure one another about it.

"Hyung what's wrong?" Hongjoong asked as he gave the older a hug, he was surprised that he was at the school, but he didn't exactly hate the idea.

"Hmm I forgot to check how late your classes ended and I was in the area, so I wanted to just drop by and tell you that Insoo hyung will be picking you up once you are done so please contact him, I have to go on a little trip out of town for business," Taehwan said with a big smile.

"What business hyung? Will you be okay? It isn't anything dangerous right?" Hongjoon asked but Taehwan couldn't really give him a reply.

"Joong-ah, don't worry about it, it's nothing serious okay? Insoo hyung will be staying behind since I didn't want to leave you on your own at the house, hmm if you want you can bring your friends over as well, it's the weekend, after all, you guys can sleepover and just enjoy yourselves" Taehwan told the boy.

"Are you sure hyung?" Hongjoong asked and the older nodded, when they were talking once before Hongjoong mentioned to Taehwan that usually on weekends they all met up and had a sleepover and just watched movies together but since he wasn't home they wouldn't be doing it for a while, so Taehwan wanted to help, he knew that Hongjoong's friends were important to him.

Taehwan waved at the boy who was behind Hongjoong, they all looked like they saw a ghost, they really didn't know how to react, because to them it seemed that Hongjoong was dating some gangster and it scared them a little, but they also knew Hongjoong was a big boy, plus his father was a police officer, he wouldn't go around dating a gangster right?

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