Chapter 08

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Chapter Eight

By Megan Tranior

I beat the sunrise again, oh-oh-oh
Neighbors stare, I smile and wave 'cause I
just don't care

I EXPECTED chirping birds or bright sunlight to wake me up this morning. As if I am living in the picturesque suburbs. But, once I hear rumbling cars, barking dogs, and shrill police whistles I realize I am still in noisey New York City. I didn't think Lower Manhattan could be just as loud as Brooklyn. However, I couldn't have been more wrong. How does anyone get accustomed to such a rowdy place? I roll over onto the left side of the hotel bed, and cover my ears with a goose down pillow. My half-closed, sleepy eyes land on Lucas's sun-kissed back. I widen my eyes in horror and shock at what I have discovered.

Several bruises and scars decorate Lucas's back along with the back of his shoulders. Most of them are faded and healed. But, you could still see all of hurt in the creases. The scars and bruises seemed to be healed fully. Suddenly, a recollection of our night at the bar takes over me. Lucas and I were having fruity cocktails while talking about a deep conversation. I still have bruises all over my body, Lucas's words fill my head all at once. Could these be the bruises he meant his father gave him?

Oh, God. How could a father to do such a heinous act to his son?

Before I could reach my arm out and touch one of his bruise, Lucas's large body rolls over to the left and knocks me out of bed with his strong hip. I fall onto the carpet with a loud thud along with the pillow. Landing on the floor full body, my face twisted into a grimace of pain as I sat up and placed my hand against my waist. A bolt of acute pain stabs through my hip, causing me to shrink in distress.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. Grabbing the pillow with my hand, I toss it onto Lucas's beautifully scarred back. I regret my action immediately; I'm sure if I hurt his half-healed scars and bruises.

Lucas lifts his head up from a pillow and he takes a look around for me. When his gaze falls onto me, Lucas climbs out of bed and runs over to my side in a hurry with flashing eyes. I flinch with pain as he brings me up to my feet with strong hands. Lucas places his palm against my face and tucks an ebony curl behind my ear.

"Are you okay? Did I push you out of bed?" Lucas's round lips released a load of questions at me.

"Yeah, you almost broke my leg pushing me out of bed." I laughed lightly. Shrugging it off, I stare at him and his morning face in awe and terror.

My God, he looked even better in the morning. And worse at the same time. I'm not even sure if that is possible. With his dapper bed head and tired eyes, he looked like a total hot mess; but I didn't mind having sex with him again. Not to mention his glorious naked body stood before me. His cock was still big even though it wasn't hardened. Squinting my eyes on his mouth, I tried to keep myself from laughing at the puddle of drool dripping off the side of mouth.

"I'm drooling aren't I?" His voice was a bit raspier and deeper. I liked his morning voice very much.

"Uh, yeah you are Lucas." I cover my goofy smile with my palm and giggle a little before I answered him. I stick my tongue out in disgust once he wiped the saliva away, with the back of his hand.

Realization hits me hard. My heart had began to throb against my chest. I froze up in the quickest way possible. I'm sure Matt and Heather are worried sick about where I am. Especially since I am basically a mindless tourist in The City That Never Sleeps. I wrap my arms around my large, exposed breast and bit my lips. Shifting my eyes back and forth aimlessly, I knew I had to leave as soon as possible if I wanted calm their nerves. Fast. Now.

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