Chapter 01

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Chapter One

Welcome to New York
By Taylor Swift

Welcome to New York
It's been waiting for you!

Five years later....

I COULDN'T help but stop in my tracks and stare at the bustling New York airport before me. Hundreds of people were scattered across the terminal area. Some were rushing to the gate next to the security. Others were too busy complaining over delayed flights. And several were stuffing their faces with food from the airport restaurants. My heart squeezed with excitement, each beat skips faster than the last before. I didn't fight the big smile plastered across my face.

I can't believe I actually made it, I thought to myself.

"Move it, lady!" An orotund voice shouted behind.

Before I could turn around to see who the raucous voice belonged to, I was knocked to the ground along with my luggage. A shot of an unpleasant sensation ran through my knees as I wince in pain. I let a few curse words slip from my mouth. The footsteps of strangers kept walking over me. As if they didn't see a clumsy girl laying on the floor in pain. I planted my hands on the acrylic floor and rose to my feet. Grabbing my luggage in a swift move, I walked through the huge crowd and tried my best to hide my flushed cheeks.

I wish the floor underneath me would swallow me up into a black hole, and save me from the embarrassment.

It would be hard for me to find my best friend, Heather Bradley, through an endless sea of people like this. My big eyes roam around for any sight of her. I had no such luck of course. Until, I saw a tall, blonde-haired girl holding a pickup sign that read: WELCOME TO NEW YORK, DANIELA! in big and bold letters. It was Heather. She then turned the sign around and it read: HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY TO YOU! My mouth curls into a huge smile. I let go of my luggage and shoved my way through the large crowd, almost failing miserably might I add.

It looks so much easier in the movies and TV shows.

Heather toss the pickup sign aside her in a careless manner. With open arms, Heather embraced me in a tight hug. I inhale the strong scent of fruity perfume Heather was practically drowned it. I almost chocked from it when the scent found its way in my mouth. Closing my eyes, I wrapped my arms around her body and squeezed tight. She felt like home and I've been homesick for awhile now. But, I think I might have found the remedy.

I took a step back and took in the sight of her. Nothing much had changed with Heather's appearance. She had the same crystal blue eyes and golden blonde hair that always seem unkept and messy. As if she had woke up like that and decided to rock a bed head look. Her face was clear and smooth as usual. She's always been tall and slim. Heather could be on the cover of Elle magazine or Kate Moss's daughter.

She spoke up first, a gleaming smile gracing her heart-shaped face. "It's been too long, Daniela."

"Way too long, Heather." I agreed. "Tell me about it on the ride."

"Well, first birthday girl let's grab your luggage before it is stolen or gets lost." She suggested quickly, walking away from me.

I spun around and follow suit after Heather. My luggage was out of sight from its place. I excepted it to be here when I got back from reuniting with my best friend. Shock and terror overtook my features as my full lips twitched into a frown. I've only been in New York for at least eight minutes. And I've been shouted by a man, shoved to the floor, and lost my luggage. I don't think I'm in North Carolina anymore.

Well, at least I still have my trusty, small pocket purse by my side.

"I'm going to take you shopping anyway. Now, let's go!" Heather exclaimed excitedly, grabbing ahold of my hand and dragging me towards the exit of the NY airport.

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