Keith Isn't Okay

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Keith's POV

Shiro's gone.

He's gone.

It's been about 2 weeks and I'm still in shock. I guess I've been a bit depressed, but now that I'm leader of Voltron I can't let it effect me.

That morning, I woke up from my hour of sleep from a nightmare. It wasn't uncommon. Lately I'd been having this reoccurring nightmare of letting down Voltron and getting captured by the Galra and Shiro berates me for failing, I wasn't in the mood to get out of bed.

I felt something by my hand and picked it up. I sighed. It was my bottle of anti depressants. Last night I'd gone to sleep debating whether to take it. I never did. I hadn't taken my meds since Shiro disappeared. I guess it's cause the meds make me drowsy and weaker, and a leader can't be weak. Every night I've contemplated it, but haven't taken it. Now that I'm leader, I have to make sacrifices.

I made myself get up earlier that day, to sharpen my hand to hand techniques. I was tired, but I didn't let that effect me. Once I was satisfied, I showered and then headed down to eat with the others. Usually I wouldn't eat with them, but now that I'm leader, I've decided to try to interact with them more. I had grown closer to the other paladins than anyone, but there was still this nagging anxiety that came with that. But again, as a leader I had to make sacrifices. I noticed that Pidge and Hunk were happily chatting about Earth things, while Lance was unusually quiet.

Let's talk about him for a minute.

No way in hell am I ever going to tell him how I feel. I've buried it deep inside me and will never let it out. Lance likes girls and he hates me.

...but I also don't want him to stop smiling...

After breakfast, I followed Lance, who was on his way back to his room.

"Hey, Lance. You okay?" I asked him.

He stopped and glared at me. I have no idea what I did to him, but ever since I became leader, he somehow had gotten even more distant from me.

"Fine." He said.

"You know that I know that's not true, right?" I asked, putting my hand on my hip.

"So, you're leader now and you know everything?" He asked.

"It's not hard to tell when your upset. You stop making stupid jokes." I stated, smirking.

He turned around and I noticed there were tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. It hurt me to know that he was hurting.

"If you think my jokes are stupid, then kick me out." He said, venom in his words. He was angry.

"I'm not going to do that, Lance. You're essential to Voltron. You're our sharpshooter." I said. It was embarrassing, complimenting him like that, but as long as it'd make him feel better. Lance was silent for a moment. I don't think he was expecting me to say that. So, I continued. "If you tell me what's on your mind, you might feel bette--"

"I'm not going to tell YOU anything!" He snapped.

"Lance, what did I ever do to you? I am the leader now, and you can't just--"

"You are NOT the boss of me! I don't need to tell you shit! Especially since there's no way that you could ever understand what I'm going through!" He yelled.

At this point, I started to get angry. "Well tell me and let me decide that!" I yelled.

"I miss my family, okay?! They're on Earth, and we haven't defeated the Galra, and I don't even know if they're okay! The Galra could've invaded Earth and they might be scared! They might even be dead!" He yelled.

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