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Quidditch. More importantly, Jane's first match. Would she be playing? Unlikely. Was she nervous anyways? Absolutely. She and her father had talked about Jane joining a Quidditch team her entire life. Not because she was some sort of natural talent like Harry, but because she loved the game and because her father believed, it might calm her down a bit, redirect her energy into something useful. She felt a little stupid to be sitting on a bench and wait for someone to get hurt, but she figured if something were to happen, she'd have to fight just as hard as everybody else.

"Here you go, Lupin," said Oliver, handing Jane her very own Quidditch uniform, with a big, golden eight on the back.

"Er- thanks?" she said, unsure whether the eight was meant to be in- or exclusive. Ravenclaw had a stand-in player as well, but his uniform was blank, no number, no title, just blue. She changed into the uniform, feeling like an idiot and then followed the rest of the team out onto the field. Before they reached the Hufflepuffs, Oliver held her back and pointed over to a small bench.

"If anything happens, you wait for my sign and then take position, understood?"

Jane nodded awkwardly and headed over to the bench, ignoring Angelina's stupid laugh. Oliver and the Hufflepuff's captain, Cedric Diggory, shook hands and Madam Hooch ordered the players to mount their brooms and blew her whistle for the game to begin. The weather conditions were terrible, it was freezing cold and raining out of buckets. Harry seemed to have a hard time, holding himself up until Hermione bewitched his glasses to repel the rain.

With every passing second, Jane became more uncomfortable, she could see some of the Slytherins points at her and laugh, as she sat in the rain. She was just about to just take a nap or something when it happened. Angelina flew past her and gave a cocky grin, distracting her for just a second too much. A Bludger crashed right through her broom, breaking it and sending Angelina fall to the ground. Jane looked up to Wood who gave a thumbs up and Jane mounted her broom and pushed off the ground.

"Lupin, go round!" screamed Alicia from the other side of the field and Jane sped past the Hufflepuff Chasers to catch the Quaffle and pass it to Katie Bell, who was already waiting in the scoring area. With one hard swing, she drowned the Quaffle through a golden hoop and shot back in formation.

"AND KATIE BELL SCORES!" howled Lee Jordan's voice, followed by loud cheers from the Gryffindor stance. The Keeper fired the Quaffle back into the field, and Jane blocked one of the Chasers and caught it herself, let herself fall before the Bludger speeding towards her could hit her "LUPIN PASSES TO BELL, BELL ON TO SPINNET, LUPIN IS IN THE SCORING AREA AND SCOREEE!" yelled Lee and more the Gryffindor stance erupted once more as Alicia gave Jane a high five, flying past her.

"We're still in the lead!" Yelled Oliver "Harry, get the Snitch and we win, go on!" Harry gave a thumbs up and sped back towards the sky, closely followed by Cedric Diggory. "Lupin, keep it up!" said Oliver to Jane and she saluted before turning her broom to follow Alicia back to the middle.

"GO LONG!" yelled Katie Bell, with the Quaffle in her hand. All three Chasers were blocked by the other team and Jane freed herself by flying up towards the sky, all the way over to the scoring area. She caught the Quaffle, a second before one of the Hufflepuffs could reach her and blindly dropped the ball.


"YES!" screamed Alicia, but Jane felt a little out of the loop all of a sudden. She was cold- not rain cold but her insides freezing up cold- and so unhappy- she felt so unhappy. What even was the point in winning this match, they'd never win the cup and even if they did- what was the point in that? Another worthless achievement before a long dull life and inescapable death. She looked at her broom, the rain on it frozen solid, if she was anywhere in her right mind, she'd just let go, what was the point of living when they'd all just die anyway. What was the point of suffering through hundreds of years of sadness, pain and misery if death was going to be the answer anyways?

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