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Jane had the best father anyone could ask for. He was wonderful. Kind, sweet, and caring, and somehow he always managed. When they had no money, no food, were barely to afford the roof over their heads, he still made it feel like home, and made sure she felt as comfortable as possible.

Jane loved him with all her heart and she desperately needed him to know that. She sometimes doubted he loved himself very much though, and when she was a lot younger, she found out why. Her father was a very special man. Not only was he a wizard, a bloody brilliant one at that, but he was also a werewolf. The older she got, the less of a problem Jane had with her father being a werewolf, and by the time she started Hogwarts, it was completely normal to her. However, that wasn't always the case. In fact, when Jane first found out, she was terrified. It was a simple way to break his heart. Five-year-old Jane had exactly three questions for him, one more crushing than the other.

She never had a mother, and when she found out about her father's condition, she first asked him, if he had killed her mother. He hadn't.

For her second question, she asked him, if he was going to kill her. He wouldn't.

And at last, she asked if she was destined to be a monster, just like him. She wasn't.

Every passing day, Jane Lupin felt nothing but guilt and shame for asking such horrible things. She didn't obsess over it, it didn't ruin their relationship and he never blamed her or held a grouch, she had been just five, after all. But Jane knew about the prejudice against people like her father and the fact that she once made him feel like the monster the ministry made him out to be, made her want to be the best version of herself.

For a while, she seemed like the perfect child. Respectful, tidy, smart, and certainly a rule follower. She had little slip ups from time to time, but her father never seemed too worried about her turning out to be a troublemaker. But then she started Hogwarts and things went a little south. Just like her father, Jane was sorted into Gryffindor. In the same year, as a certain celebrity, Harry Potter. When he sent her off to school, Remus told Jane to be nice to Harry. He had a hard life and might have needed a friend. That was easier than either of them imagined. Just seconds after she had taken place in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express, a small, scrawny, black-haired boy joined her. Even before Ron Weasley joined them in the compartment, Harry and Jane were already fond of each other and they were best friends ever since.

Her father told her to be nice to Harry, but Jane adored Harry so much, she had no problem with beating up Draco Malfoy for picking on him. With absolutely no concern for her health, she followed Harry, Ron and, Hermione down, past a three-headed dog, to save the Philosopher's Stone. When their potions master, Professor Snape, who had a strong hatred for both of them, once again picked on Harry, Jane jinxed the Professor's cauldron and it blew up in his face, painting him completely green for almost a week.

It wasn't long until she found herself in detention every single weekend and often, she'd be joined by Ron Weasley's brothers, Fred and George. The twins that seemed to have nothing but mischief on their minds. After she told them how she set off all the confiscated Filibusters in the caretaker, Filch's office at once, the twins took her under their wing, and as a trio, they managed to pull and get away with more pranks than ever before. Nevertheless, when she came home, Remus greeted her with a towering pile of letters from Hogwarts, recording every single thing she had been caught for. Oddly enough, while being very mad with her, he didn't seem disappointed at all. The contrary, actually. She reminded him of two old friends, he said, and one would be so very proud of how she turned out.

She took that as an invite, to act out just a little more. Her second-year target was the idiot, Lockhart. He practically couldn't take a step with one of Jane's traps going off. She pierced her own ears with safety pins, keeping them as earrings, and soon, many of the other girls asked her to do it for them as well. She also figured out how to use a sewing needle and ink to give herself tattoos and began drawing permanent words and symbols on her arms and legs. She figured with Slytherin's monster creeping around the hallways, she might as well live her life to the fullest while she still could. She made it out alive of course. She actually had quite a good time, pushing Lockhart down that slimy pipe and had a good laugh when that moron obliviated himself.

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