keep me warm | dorbyn

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corbyn isn't having the best day.

it's by no means horrible. he's just... he's feeling off, and he wants nothing more than to lie in bed and cuddle with daniel. but daniel has been sat at his computer since he woke up, trying his best to get all of the work that he needs to do, done. and corbyn has left him to it because daniel has been stressing for days and his deadline is tonight and he is desperate to get this finished because if he doesn't, he'll be letting a lot of people down.

and corbyn is really, really trying not to be selfish. but daniel always cuddles with him when he's feeling like this. nothing makes corbyn feel better than lying in bed with daniel, curled up against him while they watch a movie to pass the time. daniel will press gentle kisses to the top of his head and corbyn will play with daniel's fingers and they won't care about anything else other than being in that moment.

that's all corbyn wants right now, but he knows he can't have it. and it's not fair for him to go up to daniel and tell him that he feels like shit because daniel will feel obligated to help him.

so he slumps on the sofa all morning, watching the television. jack sits next to him for around an hour and corbyn feels so horrible that he actually considers shuffling over and cuddling into jack instead. which jack would probably be completely chill with, but just as corbyn is gathering the courage, jack's phone rings and he grins at corbyn and walks away to answer.

corbyn sighs heavily. he's not even sure what's on the television. he just kind of stares at the screen until he smells something cooking, and a glance at the time tells him that it's lunch.

he frowns, watching as jonah cooks whatever it is he's cooking. daniel has been working for over four hours by this point and he hasn't come downstairs once. he didn't eat breakfast which means he hasn't eaten yet today.

so corbyn decides to stop thinking about himself and he heads into the kitchen and makes daniel a sandwich and grabs him a bottle of water. he makes his way upstairs and walks into the bedroom, placing the plate and the glass on the desk next to him.

corbyn stands behind daniel, his hands on daniel's shoulders and watches what he's doing for a minute. but his eyes still won't focus and he can't take it in so instead he indulges himself momentarily and asks, "how long will you be?"

daniel lets out a soft sigh. "i don't know," he says. he already sounds exhausted. " a while."

corbyn's heart drops but he still doesn't mention how he's feeling. "i brought you a sandwich," he says even though he knows daniel saw him bring it in. "and some water. will you eat? you haven't eaten yet."

"yeah," daniel says, laughing softly. he lifts corbyn's hand to his mouth and presses a kiss to his knuckles, then glances up at him. "now go. i can't focus with you here."

corbyn tries to mask his disappointment with a smile, but his shoulders still drop as he heads back downstairs. daniel has to work, he knows that. but he still feels lonely and he can't help that.

he probably could. he could hang around one of the others but he doesn't want to impose, and he doesn't have the courage to ask one of them to do something with him. not today.

this time, he lasts nearly two hours before he goes back upstairs. just to see how daniel is doing. he finds the sandwich and the water untouched and he frowns.

"dani," corbyn mumbles. "you said you'd eat."

daniel runs a hand through his hair. "i don't have time to eat."

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