chapter 7

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Zayns p.o.v

Well this is just wonderful I hate going to the principals office because our principal is tom hanks and hes always bragging on all his awards in the acting career and uses that damn forrest gump accent. But the good thing about this is niall. I get to go to the office with this adorable Irish snowflake! Oh crap here comes shiela its this girl that's freaking obsessed with me. Don't get me wrong shes pretty but I love niall and on top of that shes freaking annoying."hey zayn "shiela said. "Hey shiela " I replied. "What u doing " she said. "I'm walking my pet fish larry "I said sarcastically. "Oh really that's so cool where is he "she said. Wow how stupid is this girl? "First of all you cant walk fish because they need water and secondly I'm going to the office "I said. "Oh well u wanna come to my place after school "she asked."no he doesn't you freaking whore!"niall said. "Fine I don't need you ill get someone else " she said. Did niall just help me omg but wait why was he jealous no couldn't be I just think he was trying to help me. "Thanks niall!" I said. "Don't talk to me "he said. Oh here we go back to square one. We finally approached the office ugg I'm not looking forward to this. "Well what brings you in here niall I mean I would expect zayn in here but you what happened?" Our annoying principal said. "Well I was late to class for the fifth time this week "Mr adorable said. "Ok you zayn. "He said. "I didn't do my work "I said. "Ok well you both get detentions goodbye " he said. Detention well atleast he didn't do the annoying accent. "Niall could I ask you something "I said. "What "he hissed. "Why were you late to class again " I said. "None of your buisness. He said. Well hes grouchy today.

Nialls p.o.v

Why the hell did I just help zayn I hate zayn with his olive skin those tatoos his beautiful acc- wait what? Omg I think I like the badboy. Well know hes never gonna give me a chance ive always been mean to him and I think I know why. It all started on the first day of school he walked in and took my breathe away and the moment I realised that I made myself hate him its not cause hes a guy cause I'm openly bi but I recently my heart got broken by someone kinda like him and every time I got a good thought about him I denied it and replaced with a bad one. Oh there's Louis maybe I should talk to him he'll distract me from this stupid crush. "Hey Louis "I said "cant talk right now " he said well looks like that plan didn't work very well oh well back to class gosh I freaking hate maths.

Louis p.o.v

I feel bad for not talking to niall but I have to figure my feelings out for haz. And I cant seem to get peace and quiet to do that there's always a distraction. Maybe I should talk to Liam. Ill talk to him after school. Well back to class.

Authors note* well finally got to post something can I get some comments cause I want to know what y'all think because this is my very first fanfiction. Even votes will let me know y'all like it. Anyways 3 more days till Christmas I hope everyone has a great holiday bye!

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