Chapter 13

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Haruhi walked slowly, sluggishly, She was feeling Afraid she was more afraid then she had ever felt before an overwhelming fear Consumed her. And she dint know what to do.

She was Pregnant. 


A Child was growing inside of her she was going to Deliver a baby and she was Terrified as millions of scenarios cross her mind. What would everyone think, Was the Tests Wrong. Was she ready to be a mother, What Would Keishin Say Would he stick by her. Would Yu be happy her parents Keishin's parents. So many things clouded her more and More as she walked Alone in the street she decided to walk to Sakanoshita instead of taking the car she could us the extra time to think. the time she gained was Not enough as she stood in front of the Shop tears streaming from her eyes.

"Now or never." She whispered to herself taking a deep breath just a few hours ago she was sat In Kaiyas House holding a positive pregnancy test.

"Oh Hey Haru You didn't say that you were Coming what a nice surprise." She smiled lightly but could not bring herself to pull a full smile he noticed straight away "Whats wrong babe." The tears Now streamed from her face he dashed from behind the counter Pulled her into a hug.

"I'm sorry." she clutched onto his Jumper tightly.

"Hey hey Look at me." He pulled her face up to look him in the eye. "Why are you crying what's Going on." He stroked her hair after pulling her Into another Hug as Haruhi found a way to cool her breathing.

"I need to Tell you something." the overwhelming fear Made it hard to speak she knew she needed to get this over with as as when the anxiety passed she would be fine and possibly even start to get excited.

"You can tell me Anything." he Grabbed her hand and she nodded her head Pulling her handbag in front of her She handed it to hi motioning for him to Look Inside.

"I peed on a stick." Was all she managed to say, His eyes widened as he took The bag and he Looked inside to See the two positive sticks. he took a few moments to process the sight in front of him.

"Oh my God." His face shifted as he ran the hair through his hair. "Haru." He now began To smile brightly "Haru were Having a baby." She Cried once again but this time she cried more Happy tears Keishin was excited and all of the fear and anxiety that she was Felling was gone "I have no idea how this happened. But were you afraid to tell me."

"Well its a surprise most definitely but After i was sick earlier Kaiya made me go and take the tests i was sure it would come Negative but i freaked out when it became Positive I was afraid you wouldn't be happy."

"Haruhi." He Pulled her into a tighter intimate Hug. "It wasn't Planned and I'm shocked but I'm really Happy because I love you and I cant wait to have a baby with you."

"I love you too." She said as she was Happy.

"So what do you want to do Next what is your plan." He asked as he led her to sit down behind the Counter.

"I don't really have a plan its still all so raw but i would say we should tell our Parents and Yu. Yu will be So happy he's going to be an uncle."

"We can do all of that Together I will be with You every step." The feeling of excitement was all around her now and she could Tell Keishin was excited to it was different and new and shocking for the both but they knew They were So happy and excited for a new Chapter.

"Every ones going to be freaked." Keishin Laughed at her as he put his arm around her Firmly.

"Were freaking so they will freak too." she smiled up at His as he took his arm away. "Tell you what I'm going to Ask My Ma to watch the store and we can Go in the car for a while and Just Talk we can make a plan okay." she nodded "Il be back." She watched as he walked away taking his apron off he returned in a few minutes with his mother.

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