Chapter 4

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Haruhi lay flat on her bed looking to the ceiling. even on her days off she was always awake early usually she would find something to keep her occupied even if it was cleaning or cooking doing the shopping even cutting someone's hair. and Today Yu had Practice and she promised she would pick her up she found herself taking him to practice or picking him up more often these days.

She sighed slightly as she pulled herself off of her bed it was getting around the time that she would have to pick Yu up so she made sure to check her hair was okay lightly brushing it to keep it tidy after lying on her bed for so long. she was careful Not to mess up her carefully styled hair she had curled it this morning she placed the brush down as she looked in her mirror for a while.

Her hair was getting a lot longer now her black hair was all the way to her waist and her green eyes sparkled as she looked at how she actually look she felt good in her skin for once her complexion was clear and her skin had no blemishes it was a real miracle that she felt okay for once normally she would shy clear of the Mirror she was called ugly al her school days so much that she had believed it.

Between the fact she managed to watch a full Volleyball game and even if she had a few problems she still managed it to the end and she managed to talk to Ukai and even smile at the Karasuno boys.

"Haruhi." She heard her mother call, quickly she opened the door to her room and stepped into the hall her mother was already standing. "I just came to see if you were picking up Yu or if he was walking home."

"Oh yeah I'm going to Collect him now don't worry."

"picking him up a lot aren't we." she asked suspiciously with a sly smile

"Well I like to help I told Tanaka I would bring him home too." she said nervously

"Okay okay I wont keep you." Haruhi shook her head as she grabbed her jacket before heading to the Gym she it was only a short commute and she arrived in no time still slightly to early so she stayed in her car and looked through her phone scrolling through aimlessly when her window was almost caved in causing her to squeal and jump.

"Hey Noya!." Hinata yelled.

"Hello, Nishinoyas Sister." Kageyama said coming up behind him

"Haruhi." She managed to say quietly but she managed it. she had spoke even if it was just to tell them her name.

"HARUHI! SPOKEEE!." Hinata yelled he looked like he was going to burst at any moment.

"Haru!." Yu yelled as he ran towards the car he stood beside Kageyama and Hinata. "Hey sis were Just waiting On Tanaka Coach Ukai is with him."

"Nishinoya Your sister spoke to us she said her name." Kageyama said

"Huh Really Haru!." She nodded slightly with a smile no matter how Afraid she was she had promised herself she would try to be better and try to better herself and work on her Anxiety and Fear

"Hey Haruhi." Tsuki said as he walked past with Yamaguchi he seemed to be one of the laid back ones a little salty but genuinely a nice kid.

"Hey Nishinoya." Sugawara and Daichi said In Unison.

"Hey HEY You guys better not be annoying Big sis!!."  

"Tanaka No she told us her name." Hinata said as Tanaka pulled a weird face

"Huh Big sis did you really, You punks are Lying." He was in a weird state Looking around for answers

"Yes." Haruhi had managed yet again to speak quietly but she still spoke again and she was the Happiest she had ever been for a long time.

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