Chapter 1

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Two didn't sleep after his nightmare, and instead stayed up reviving all his contestants—not Four's. He respectfully buried the BFB contestants. The remaining BFB characters had surprisingly left. But there were more dead then alive, twenty versus forty wasn't exactly fair. He walked over to the last body, the body he'd been dreading to approach. Four.
X still lay at his side, an agonized expression in his eyes. Two looked down sorrowfully, guilt washing over him in an instant. X wrapped his arms around Four's stiff and lifeless body protectively.
"X.." Two murmured calmly, "we need to bury him."
"Bury?" X gasped, "you should revive him! He needs to live.."
Bewilderment coursed through Two, he didn't want Four dead but it was way too late to revive him. Doesn't X know how much trouble he'll get in? He then traveled back to his horrific dream where Four cleanly cut his throat apart and spilled out gallons of blood in just a few moments. Two shuddered, his fur rising. There's no way Two would revive Four in one piece, he feared for himself, X and even his contestants. Does X really think it's that easy? That he'll revive Four, and live happily ever after?
"I'm afraid I can't do that," Two murmured nervously, the words nearly sticking to his throat. X bristled, but kept his mouth shut. Betrayal and hurt flashed in his eyes. "We'll need to move to a new place soon," Two set his hand gently across X's back. X shouldered him away groggily, "I can't.." X whined miserably. "You can't..what?" Two's heart lurched. "I can't leave Four..I've known him ever since we were little! He can't leave me.." X sobbed. Two's heart shattered, should I revive him?
Blood, darkness and screams filled his mind, and he immediately shook his head, frantically gulping back a shrill of fear. He's dangerous. Four was strong, he was a bit tough to fight, he was agile and quick, and very violent. He wouldn't miss a moment to slash at Two. Two suppressed a shiver, backing away. "We need to at least bury him," Two whimpered.
"I want to spend more time with don't know how much this hurts me," X sobbed, Two narrowing his eyes. Hey-..what about me? Don't you care about me too? You mean so much to me, couldn't you have at least shown some care? He huffed indignantly, walking away silently. Every contestant he had revived were still shocked or agitated—cross even. Two glanced at Basketball and Grassy, Grassy had died during the battle, and because he was so young, he had a lot to calm down about. Basketball nudged Grassy upwards shakily, she seemed unwounded, a few scruffs and bruises here and there but she was fine. Grassy let out a small cry of fear and despair, gripping her face. Basketball whimpered.
"Grassy, you need to rest, please!" Basketball fretted as she tried to nose Grassy towards a small bush where he could shelter. Grassy inhaled sharply, trembling. The poor shrub of grass looked petrified. Two blinked sympathetically at them. He turned his head around, glimpsing Golfball and Tennis-ball comforting each other not too far. Everyone was mostly hiding, and those who were left in the open were the most traumatized, paralyzed and unable to move a muscle. Had the fight really been that bad? Everyone had looked so ferocious and confident, now they looked so pathetic and scarred.
We at least need to find a home in Yoylecity. I can browse myself, I don't want to bother anybody. He headed towards the towering buildings that loomed ahead over the canopy and hills. An eerie feeling washed over Two as he left the others behind. It wasn't like being alone or watched, something else. Like an evil, wandering presence. Four..? He whimpered fearfully. Toughen up! Quit letting your subconsciousness get to you! Two told himself harshly. It's not like Four's spirit will spring out of an abandoned building and slash my throat..

Two eventually reached the city. It felt so lonely and creepy, after all, he was the only one there, but it felt like he was the only one alive. Two walked silently among the streets of the wrecked, worn out cities, his hair already standing on end. Each building creaked or whispered past him, the roads turning more crumbly and cracked beneath his feet as he walked. Even worse, the sun was hardly able to be seen, when covered by the tops of mountains or the high, terrifying buildings of Yoylecity. There's not a single perfect place to call home here, not with all the spookiness. He glanced at a large brick house, it had vines and cobwebs sprouted all over it's walls, and it stank of rats' urine. One of the windows were shattered open, enough so he could see the dark inside. It was a perfectly normal home, minus the smell and appearance. He blinked warily at the house and walked up the small flight of stairs. This home seemed to peculiarly have a closed door, and it was locked, while all the other buldings' doors were broken, open or unlocked—loose even. He used his telekinesis to unlock it from the inside. He gently pulled the door open, walking inside and shutting it behind him. He glanced around, there was a blocked off patio to the left, couches, a two-way door that lead to a dining room and kitchen, and a perfectly clean hallway that must lead to bedrooms and bathrooms. He gagged at the rat urine odor and musty smell, it felt like it were suffocating him. He walked down the hall, opening the first door. A green shape bolted towards him challengingly with a shriek. Two let out a yowl of horror before the shape skidded to a halt in front of him. It was  Leafy. Two blinked in shock.
"L-Leafy? So you did escape!" Two breathed. But how..? Leafy glared suspiciously at him, "errr..yes.." she glanced behind her. Two followed her gaze and saw Firey sleeping on the ground. "You guys have no bed?" Two asked. Leafy shook her head, "maybe it's for the better. Now he won't burn it."
"But you'd guys would need something comfortable to.." his voice trailed away at Firey's pained wail. "Whats wrong with him?"
"His belly was gashed apart by Fanny," Leafy's voice shook painfully, "I'm so worried about him. I wrapped him up the best I could..but he keeps burning's not healing! He could burn out from all the blood touching him or the lack of flame and blood," she cried, "is Four okay?"
Two's heart swooped with shock and fear, she didn't know? "No! He's dead!! I killed him!" Two blurted out.
"O-Oh no..I thought..he could manage on his own..he's so powerful and.."
"We're both powerful, but he wasn't in the best state to battle, he was previously already wounded, causing me to reopen those wounds, and he was miserable and distracted half the time," Two winced out, "i'm sorry.." he said quite numbly.
"I-It's okay..I forgive you.." but Two could tell how despaired Leafy looked. As well as guilty. "I could've saved him!" Leafy fretted miserably.
"No, you needed to save Firey. I've only now just realized how evil I really was back there.." Two looked down. "I moved here to get away from all of you," Leafy whispered, "but I guess it wasn't a great idea after all."
"And I can't risk X or myself getting hurt much longer," Two looked up at Leafy. She looked confused, "what do you mean?"
"Who knows if you might get revenge? What will I do then? One of my eyes is already starting to fail from the blow Four did to both of them!" Two bristled. Leafy's eyes widened, "I'm sorry.." she mumbled. "No, it's me who's sorry," Two whispered. "Huh? Why?" Leafy whimpered. Two rose his claws threateningly, Leafy's breath catching in her throat. Her scream was abruptly cut off as Two tore his claws cleanly across her body, ripping her apart. He trembled, his fur bristling more.
"Do you see that Four!" He screamed. "I'll kill everyone you've ever cared about and cherish the one friend you love! Leave me alone or Firey is next!"
Instantly, darkness swept over Two, knocking him off his feet. He looked around frantically, the ground solid black and the sky as red as blood. Four's spirit stood in front of him, ember sparkled around his pelt, and he loomed over him dangerously. Hurt another one of my contestants and you'll have your soft little belly's insides turned inside out, Four snarled into Two's mind, it was full of evil and menace.
"Why do you care!" Two screamed, horror splitting him apart. Leafy was a close friend of his! Two whimpered. And yet he had killed Leafy because she stood up to Four, to silence her and to selfishly protect only himself and X. He's put them all in much more danger then before. Two blinked, and he was back to where he was, in reality. He got up, shivering. He shook his head in attempt to clear his dark thoughts. I..I need to figure out where to fit the rest of the contestants, and report this place back to X, he stared at Firey. And what do I do with him?

BFB: Haunted and Scarred (#3)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara