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Link yelled at me as I began to take shots, he grabbed my wrist trying to stop me but I pushed him away and walked the other direction, Link quickly followed me but was distracted by Jackson. I stopped walking wanting to know how this conversation was going to go, I began to party with a few people that were around me, someone handed me a shot and I immediately took it,

'Link when did y/n start partying like this?',

Jackson asked a little confused looking directly at me pointing, Link looked at Jackson,

'are you serious?! she has been partying like this for weeks you just can't see it! she's partying because you are too "busy" to do anything with her even though you promised that after you guys broke up you would still be good friends! I can't do anything to help my best friend even though she's spiraling because she doesn't have you!',

Link yelled, Jackson looked shocked, I froze as they both looked at me. I ran in between them and headed outside to where I knew no one was going to be. I grabbed a hold of the balcony railing as I felt my breathing become heavy and the tears fall from my eyes. I heard two people come behind me, Link and Jackson, I turned around and immediately fell into Link's arms, wanting to go to Jackson but deciding not to,

'this has to stop y/n',

Link said moving a hand around my back and the other around my head, I grabbed his shirt as I began to cry into it. Link slowly moved to the ground as I began to fall,

'it's okay, it's okay y/n',

Link kept repeating in my ear, he slowly rocked me back and forward. I looked up and saw Jackson shut the balcony door so no body could see or hear what was happening. Jackson began to squat so he was at eye level with me, I turned back into Link still crying. I felt another hand on my back it was Jackson's , he was trying to comfort me,

'Link I'm sorry',

I said quietly, his grip around me got tighter,

'don't apologise it's not your fault okay?',

Link said gritting his teeth more then likely angry at the man who currently has his hand on my back. I felt Jackson's hand move away but I quickly turned and lunged myself into him he feel back onto the ground, while I was still crying,

'Jackson I still love you',

I said quietly through my sobs, he wrapped a hand around my head and one around my back. I heard Link stand up, Jackson went to say something but stopped so Link could,

'Jackson I swear to god you better fix this',

Link said kissing the top of my head before heading back inside. Jackson pulled me in tighter,

'I still love you too princess, the reason I broke up with you is because I thought I was being a bad influence on you career but turns out you're worse on your own. It hurts to see you like this this has to stop',

Jackson said softly almost in tears himself. I dug my head deeper into his neck,

'I never meant to hurt you',

I said softly, Jackson pulled away and placed his hands on my face,

'stop, okay? I love you at I can't be apart from you, I am the reason I'm hurting okay',

Jackson said looking into my eyes, I nodded my head, Jackson left a soft kiss on my lips,

'we're gonna be okay'

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