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"Thanks again for helping me out with my wound and everything." Shoto said, trying to hide his other hip from Izuku's piercing green eyes.

Izuku had arrived back into the room to give Shoto his lunch and a new flower in a vase near the window. Izuku just made a simple turkey sandwich, a chocolate chip cookie, a fruit salad with a glass of fruit punch. Shoto had taken some time to eat most of his meal before talking to Izuku.

"No problem. I just wanted to make sure you were okay after all." Izuku replied, his tan skin almost seemed to shine brightly in the sunlight coming through the window.

Shoto interjected after he finished off his cookie, "I should head back soon to my house soon. My brother might be worried about me right now. I know a really good healer that might be able to fix this wound quickly."

"Okay. But at least stay one more day because you aren't in no shape to walk a long distance. Your stitches might open up again so soon. And I know that you might not care enough about your injuries, but I am worried about your health right now. Healer or not, I need to at least make sure you rest one more day." Izuku fretted, showing actual worry for him. Shoto had been taught to see a lie, and he couldn't see any inch of dishonesty on Izuku's face.

Shoto raised a brow, the others would be able to survive another day without him. What's the harm? He might get another free delicious meal out of the deal. "Sure. But tomorrow, I'll call my brother to come pick me up."

Izuku smiled happily which caused some suspicion within Shoto's mind. Who would be this kind to him? Does he have an ulterior motive or something from making him stay here? Who would want some stranger to take over their bed, let alone their home for another day? Wait, that's it! He wants something in return.

"What do you want in return?" Shoto questioned, placing his sandwich down.

Izuku looked back at him confused, "Huh? What do you mean?"

"You saved my life. What can I do to repay you?" Shoto asked, getting ready for whatever trick the greenette might pull on him.

Izuku pouted, "'Um, you could buy some flowers? I don't really need anything in return."

"Do you want me to buy the whole shop?" Shoto offered

Izuku shook his head, gesturing wildly with his hands. His curls bouncing with every shake of his head. "Heck no! Just a few flowers would do. I could make you a hand,add get well bouquet made with flowers you like!"

"Are you serious? Just a few flowers? That's it?" Shoto asked in disbelief. Is that all he wanted?! No that must not be it. Everyone who The Fallen has to deal with always wanted something to quell their greed. They always wanted money, big favors, or just protection. Why is he not asking for anything else?

"You are a strange one, Midoriya." Shoto shook his head fondly with a sigh when Izuku went to go grab him another refill on his juice.

Shouto looked through the window, peering at the flower Izuku had placed there. It was a beautiful pink flower that Izuku said was the Gladiolus. He didn't really listen to the meaning behind it, but he felt some sort of connection to it.

"I wonder what Dabi is doing..." Shoto wondered out loud before he heard Izuku's footsteps coming back towards the room.


Dabi was pacing around the den in The Fallen's secret hideout. His mind kept racing with thoughts if where is little brother was. "He didn't get captured or else I would have seen it on the news or on the police scanners we have set up. Where could he have gone?" He thought out loud as quietly as he could to not disturb the other members.

Flowers Can Make Even The Worst Situation BetterWhere stories live. Discover now