Chapter Eight: A date

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Optimus' POV:

(Y/N) has been hiding from us for days and I am getting worried. She still blames herself for getting caught and getting her fox ears and tail but she won't listen to me. She calls herself a freak. But I do not see that. I see a human with fox abilities. A human who is different from everyone else.

And I do not see anything wrong with that. Yes, hiding among the other humans will be difficult now but that does not mean she should hide. I would like to try something to make her feel more confident and also confess something to her. I would like to take (Y/N) on something humans call a date. Although, I do not know what to do. I asked Jack for some ideas and he said he would help me plan.

Miko and Rafael helped too. Once we had something planned, I went to (Y/N). I found her curled up in a corner, her tail wrapped around her and her ears flattened down on her head. She had her eyes closed too so she is probably taking a nap. I changed into my holoform and stroked the top of her head waking her up.

"(Y/N). Can you come with me?" I asked.

"Why?" (Y/N) asked.

"I want to take you out for the day."

"Don't you have Decepticons to worry about?" (Y/N) turned away from me.

"I do but, I wanted to treat you so, I will not be worrying about the Decepticons unless they find us and threaten us. But I highly doubt that will happen," (Y/N) was quite, "please? You will not regret it."


We went to Edinburgh Scotland via the groundbridge and I took her to the zoo to look at all the animals. (Y/N) was worried about her appearance and the other humans there but they did not seem to mind her look. I did see a few humans dressed strangely for today's society so I suppose this isn't strange for people. Once (Y/N) noticed that everyone didn't mind her look, she seemed to stop worrying.

So many Earth animals in one place. (Y/N) loved it. One she particularly liked was the penguins. And one penguin really liked her. We did run into trouble with a woman demanding at (Y/N) took her 'fake' ears and tail off because she was setting a bad example for her kid who wasn't even paying attention. They were mesmerized by the giraffes we were looking at.

I stood up for (Y/N) and the woman backed off. We looked at all the animals, some more than once, before I took her to the cafeteria for some food. I am thankful that Agent Fowler gave me a credit card to use for today. After our time at the zoo, we went to Los Angeles to visit a place that (Y/N) was apparently very curious about. The Queen Mary which is a haunted ship from the early 1930's. (Y/N) was excited when she saw the ship and I could easily tell because her tail was wagging.

We went on, explored and I thought I saw someone at the pool but there was no one there. We kept exploring and (Y/N) swore she her a woman whisper to her but no one was with us so that was impossible. Perhaps this ship is haunted. After that, we went to a cliff edge to look over Paris for a picnic as the sun went down and Paris lit up in streetlights. Rafael, Jack and Miko set up the picnic as I did not know what to do.

We talked, ate and I asked (Y/N) if she could remember anything from her past life before the experiment but she could not remember anything. Just the experiment, her trying to escape and succeeding, getting caught and put in solitary confinement and met me. Well, I suppose it is time to reveal my feelings to (Y/N). If this does not work, it was always worth a try. But first, (Y/N) had something to say.

"You know, Optimus, you set all this up, take me to a zoo to see new animals, visit a place I've been so curious about then a picnic. What is all this about?" (Y/N) asked.

"To help you feel better about your new look. Get you out," I said as (Y/N) nodded, "but that's not all."

"What else?"

I was quiet. (Y/N)'s head cocked to the side in curiosity as I thought about what to say next. My confession will change everything so I need to choose my next words wisely.

"(Y/N), I like you. More than a friend or a guardian. I believe humans call it 'love'. Ever since I got you out of confinement, I have never stopped thinking of you. When Arcee and I were at the arctic during the Scraplet attack, all I could think about was if I would ever see you again. My determination kept me going just to see you again. When we met Silas and he said he wanted you, I wanted to keep you by my side always but I did not want you to feel confined again. When you got taken by him, I was determined to bring you home safe. Because I love you. You may think this transformation changed my opinion but it has not. You are still the (Y/N) I met so many months ago and now I think you look better."

"Alright, I get what you're trying to say," (Y/N) said with a giggle, "your confession is like one of your speeches. But, I love you too, Optimus. And I appreciate what you did today. I thought I was a freak and everyone would treat me as such. But, you proved me wrong."

"Know that I will always love you, no matter what you look like, if I am far away, or I lost my memory. I will love you no matter what."

"I will too."

And to complete our date, we shared our first kiss.

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