8."I'll Come Home to You,No Matter What We Do."

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There was a loud boom in the distance,sending chills down their spines.

"Shit!Hurry the fuck up!",Quackity urged them,most specifically Sapnap,who was both steering the horse and leading the group of leaders and helpers.A lot of people came;particularly Wilbur,Technoblade,Phil,Dream, and Schlatt.There were others too;like Niki,George,Puffy,Bad...

There was more,but they would arrive at a later time.

"I'm going as fast as I can,Big Q!The steeps here are dangerous!",The man with the bandana replied,gripping the reins as tight as he could.

"How much farther!?",Wilbur yelled from behind,his face flashing with so many emotions;Fear,paranoia,anger,impatience,and a lot more.Techno could feel the powerful protective aura radiating from his twin brother;or maybe that was him,he couldn't tell.

"I see something!",Phil exclaimed from the skies,pointing ahead.

There was smoke and sparks coming from trees and air,the deadly sounds of moans,clanking,and slashing echoed through.The group had began to speed up,purely out of fear and safeguarding.They rushed through the rain,letting their horses rumbled the soil.

But they were stopped when a very large group of mobs blocked their path,all hostile and hungry.

"Fuck,a mob raid.",Techno grumbled underneath his breath,pulling out a crossbow and began shooting from the horse,immediately killing a random zombie.

"Tech,we won't have enough time if we fight through these things!",Dream reminded,his voice hard as steel but filled with dread for his little sister,"Besides,we might need arrows an-"

An explosion echoed through the trees.

It reached Shlatt's ears,his body tensed when he recognised that pitched and cut-off yell.


The majority of the group cursed,taking out their weapons and looking for a quicker way to get through.Schlatt scans his surroundings when he got off his horse,desperately trying to come up with an idea that could buy time.

He looks through the trees,then to his group,then towards the wall of mobs,then up to the skies-

Wait...That's it!

"Phil!",he waits until the the blonde man looks down.Schlatt gestures the danger,then nods at him,his brow furrowed and his crossbow loaded.The startled look that bloomed on Phil's face before it morphed into a determined one was enough to tell him he understood.

The avian-hybrid flies a little farther back,as Schlatt gets into a stance,much to the groups confusion.

"Schlatt what-"

Phil quickly dives down and snatches the leader from the ground,taking him into the air and over the gathered monsters of the night.They glide over a little until they spotted a cabin;or what remains of it.

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