[My Hashbrown] Kaeya x Reader

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"HELP!" You scream out, running as fast as you can from the hilichurls. 

"EEK-" One of the hilichurls threw a pyro slime in front of your way, causing you to make a sharp turn and almost falling to the ground. But instead of falling, you twist your ankle, which then caused you to fall hard to ground causing a huge 'THUD' 

"Oww-" You whine in pain realizing your leg is in too much pain to get up, you're fuck.

You look behind you and see they coming at you, you prepare for the beating, thinking this will be your final breathe, until-

"Cool it!" You hear behind you. You look back and see the one and only, Kaeya.

You let out a sigh of relief.

"Ah- Thank you Kaeya"

"Oh its nothing~" He bent down and lifted up your chin so you're making eye contact "I would do anything to save such a cutie"

"K-KAEYA!" You swat his hand away with your face turning all red

He let out chuckle while lifting you up bridal style

"I-I can walk by myself you know" Your face turning even more red than before

"Oh? Can you now? Lets test that out" He gave you a smirk before dropping you to your feet

"W-WAIT-" Your leg caused too much pain to stand, so you fell to the ground

"And I thought you said you can stand cutie~  Looks like I'll have to carry you" He got down again and picked you up

"Hmph-" You looked away and the two of you walked back to Mondstadt

"What could a beautiful lass like you be doing out here anyway?" He asked while jerking your body forcing you to face him

You were trapped in his eyes, you couldn't look away no matter how much you tried~ They were just too beautiful

"HM? y/n cutie? Are you there?"

You jumped back into reality 'fuck he caught me staring' you cursed to yourself

"Ummm- I was- uhhhh" You fumbled over your words "I was taking a refreshing walk" You said

"Hmmm, is that so? Allow me to join you next time. We might even kiss at sunset."

Your face went red as fuck

Was Kaeya proposing he liked you back? Is this just to see your reaction?

You two reached Mondstadt and he took you to his home and placed you softly on his bed 

"K-Kaeya- You didn't need to bring me to your home" You said while trying to sit up

"Well someone has to take care of you beautiful. Are you hungry? I can make you some Hashbrowns. Infact, you look like a cute little Hashbrown right now" He cupped your cheek with his hand

You went redder than ever

"KAEYAAA!" You yelled out embarrassed as fuck, more embarrassed then when your hand caught onto Dilucs cock through his pants, that shit was embarrassing

"Is something wrong beautiful?" He asked raising an eyebrow, god that made him look even sexier

"Ummmmm... N-no!" You waved your hands in a no gesture "B-But I am really hungry"

He let out a soft chuckle and cupped your face again "Alrighty my princess, go get some rest and your Hashbrowns will be ready for when you wake up" 

He placed a soft kiss on your forehead and left "Rest up my cute little Hashbrown" He left the room 

You sat there in disbelief

"D-did he just KISS me?" You brought a pillow up to your face and screamed into it out of joy


Word Count(excluding the end here): 560

EEEEE~ I hope you cute little rats enjoyed this crappy story (":
I promise I'll make the next one less crappyyyyy

The end felt very rushed but I didnt know how to end it so I just did what I felt was good


and speaking of albedo he'll most likely be the next chapter :eyes: so stay tuned cuties

if you have any tips on how I can make shit better please do tell ;;

anyway you little hashbrowns

this is eri out see you in the next one :D

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