18. Fools

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A small spring resides in my steps as I make my way to the great hall - healthy flush in my cheeks and sketchbook clasped to my chest, my roommates give a hesitant look towards me due to the fact that by the time we reach breakfast, I'm full on skipping.

"Happy Birthday, Fred." I greet the boy who has an innumerable amount of pancakes stuffed into his mouth.

He turns half heartedly before recognizing the book I'm holding and lightings up. Forcing down the breakfast he's chewing (surprisingly not choking), he grins up at me, waving his hand for me to sit beside him as he scoots over.

"Mornin' Joshi!" He says. "So, what do you have for the birthday boy!"

I open my sketchbook on a clean part of the table and flip open to the draws my client asked for.

"I've come up with five different design concepts - these three are very similar, there are variants on the same idea." I begin, waving my pointer finger around the sketches to dramatize my presentation. "I personally this this one, myself, but I've incorporated your colour preference and gemini concept into all of them."

"Gemini?" He questions.

I respond. "Twins."

And as I go over my reasoning for the ideas, Fred pointing out questions to which I answer, and getting very excited over my own work, I can see Fred matching my energy, and by the time I'm finished we're both practically jumping in excitement.

"I love it." He beams, eyes darting between his personal favourite drawing and my own. "I love this! This is incredible! Can I borrow this to show George?"

I nod enthusiastically before backtracking.

"Wait, where is George?" I ask allowed, turning to see if he's hiding somewhere.

"Sleeping in I guess." Fred closes my sketchbook and places it in his lap. I don't trust his words and can only imagine George is off somewhere concocting some ridiculous prank idea in honour of both their birthday and April fools. "Don't worry, your Loverboy will be at the party tonight. You are coming, right?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it." My voice is genuine. "And because you like the designs, am I exempt from any of your pranks today?"

"I'll think about it." He responds easily and I don't like the fact that he didn't take any time to think about it. "I'm already letting your brother and his girl into the party, I don't know how many favours I'm worth."

"Ajay?" I grimace. "Why let that twat in? I didn't ask this time."

Fred throws his head back and laughs.

"He asked us this time. Anyway, you should go eat, classes'll start soon."

I realize the time and nod my head.

"So, Mr. Weasley, I assume we're in business together?" I refer to the sketchbook he's holding and hold out my hand.

"It'll be a pleasure working with you, Miss Joshi." He clasps my hand and we shake on it.

I then skip to breakfast with a smile.


"What's George's favourite colour?" I ask Sir Melons, holding up a couple tops, trying to decide on an outfit.

"I think he'll really love it if you go just like that." Stevie snickers and I roll my eyes.

I've been standing around in my underwear for at least a half hour because as soon as I got out the shower I realized I didn't have a clue what I was going to wear.

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