Chapter 6 - The Same Man Twice: Detective Zimmerman & Flip

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Authors Note: Hey, this chapter is a bit of filler that delves deeper into the Butcher, what he's done, and what he's doing. So again I'll just throw in a warning for this chapter: themes of murder, torture, death and assault.

Also, on a lighter note, despite us smooching Flip in the last chapter, you still have no idea about the other...great detectives yous both are.

Anyway, thank you all and on with the show...

- mads x.




"Fuck-! Fuck! Shit! Balls! Dick!" You cursed loudly through chittering teeth and blue lips, emerging from beneath the surface of your ice bath.

You'd forced yourself through three days of these freezing cold dunking's in an attempt at a speeding up your recovery, one in the morning and one at night. And it didn't get more bearable over time. Instead it was like volunteering to be stabbed with a thousand icy blades all over your body and all at once. But the stiffness in your bones and the bruising on your side had subsided somewhat, the healing accelerated by the few moments of freezing torture twice a day.

This morning was no different.

Groaning and rolling from your bed, you decided to get it over and done with - and hopefully it would wake up your mind from its slumber. Your body was shocked to life the second your toes dipped beneath the surface. Slowly lowering your limbs into the water, you gritted your teeth and ignored the numbness. You held your breath, filling your lungs with as much air as your cracked ribs would allow, and you sunk yourself beneath the frigid surface.

At first, you thought the ringing echoing in your head was the one that hadn't quite subsided since getting knocked to the ground a few nights ago.

As it turned out, it was real; it was your phone. And the Chief was waiting for you to answer on the other end of the line.

The day after your little bust up on the street, you received your usual midday check in call with Chief Bridges. He had informed you that the guy that attacked you the previous night was now in police custody. It came as a disappointing surprise: you wanted to arrest the prick yourself. But you knew, for the sake of your cover, that you'd need to settle with letting someone else have that honour. Also, the guy (Peter West) had not only admitted to assaulting you, but to beating the unfortunate prostitute on new years and leaving her for dead on the corner on new years.

He spared you the details, but let you know that you wouldn't be hearing from him anymore, that he'd put his very best on the case: a Detective Zimmerman?

The name didn't ring a bell in your mind, but you were thankful that this Zimmerman guy was taking the reigns, saving you the job and allowing you to keep your focus on the Butcher.

In the few days you'd been off recovering, you'd devoted all of your time to the case. You organised case files, reskimmed reports, collated data and filtered through every possible statement with a fine-toothed comb. The back wall of your living room looked more like a maniacs ramblings than the reception room of a home, but it was your mind poured out and pasted in front of you - polaroid's tacked to the walls, connected by string to a map of western United States; the important lines buried in paperwork highlighted with bright yellow pen; a few key words scrawled on notes and circled a dozen times to draw your attention:

...'The Butcher xxx'...

...Heart Evisceration...

...Abdominal Mutilation...

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