A Nap before Dawn

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When the night hours had passed and there remained only the

last part of it, just about one-sixth of it, the Prophet would then go

again to bed, to rest his body after a long night spent in prayer,

supplication, glorification of God, showing care for the close

relatives and the departed companions. He would have just a short

nap to prepare himself for the Fajr, i .e. dawn, prayer and the

business of the day. Thus, the hour at the break of dawn is passed

with the Prophet fast asleep. 'A'ishah, the mother of all believers,

says: "Whenever the Prophet was with me at night, he would be

asleep at the break of dawn."

The Prophet enjoyed this nap until the light of dawn has

penetrated the darkness of the night when Bilal would make the

adhan for Fajr prayer, breaking the stillness of Madinah. The

Prophet was awakened by the adhan to start a new day that was

blessed with the air of prophethood, enlightened by the light of the

Islamic message.

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