Visiting Friends and Relatives

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The Prophet might go during the morning hours to visit some

of his relatives or friends. For example, he went sometimes to see

his daughter, Fatimah, at home, so that he could see his grandson,

al-Hasan ibn ' Ali. Abu Hurayrah reports that the Prophet went out

one midmoming. He found me in the mosque. He took my hand ·

and I went with him. He was reclining on my hand, and we walked

without either of us speaking to the other. We first went to the

market place of the Jewish tribe, the Qaynuqa' . He went around the

market looking at what was going on. He then left, and I remained

with him. He reached the yard in front of Fatimah's home and he

sat there. He said: "Where is the little one? Where is the little one?

Where is the little one? Call al-Hasan ibn 'Ali to come." No one

answered him. Fatimah detained al-Hasan for a while and we

thought that she might be washing him and giving him a necklace

to wear. The Prophet then left and I left with him, until we came

into the mosque where he sat and covered himself. He then said:

"Where is the little one? Call the little one for me." Soon enough,

al-Hasan came rushing and he jumped at the Prophet's cover and

fell in his lap. They both hugged each other. He kissed al-Hasan and

held him at his chest. Al-Hasan put his hand in the Prophet's beard.

The Prophet then opened his mouth and the boy put his mouth on

the Prophet's mouth. The Prophet said: "My Lord, I love him; so

You love him and love anyone who loves him." He repeated this

prayer three times.

Abu Hurayrah often remembered this scene. He said:

"Whenever I saw al-Hasan, tears sprang to my eyes."

One day the Prophet went to Fatimah's home and asked about

her husband, ' Ali, saying: "Where is your cousin?" She said: "There

was some disagreement between us and he left. H e sent someone to

look for him, and he was then told that ' Ali was asleep in the

mosque. He went to the mosque and he saw ' Ali lying there on the

ground, with his upper robe having fallen off his side. There was

dust on ' Ali's body. The Prophet began to remove the dust off him and said to him: "Get up, Abu Turab. Get up, Abu Turab." [Turab means dust] .

He frequently visited Umm Ayman, his nurse when he was a

child. One day he went to visit her and she brought him some food

or drink. He either was fasting or he did not want to eat. He

returned it without having had any. She moved towards him

remonstrating with him, showing her displeasure and raising her

voice because he would not eat. Umm Ayman could do that

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