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𝑳𝒐𝒖𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒗:

"Oh shit, not again!" Louis wakes up with ringing sound of his alarm thats coming from his clock on the little night table beside his bed. He get's up as fast as he can and grabs the first what he sees to put on himself. He wears his black skinies, simple white T-shirt with printed picture on it and denim jacket on top. To finish of the look he chose his black Vans sneakers with White lines on the sides.

"I can't belive I will be late for school again, this is third time this week!" As he said that he's already headed towards bathroom, which is connected to his room, to wash teeth and style his hair a bit. After washing teeth he takes his hair brush and hair gel and starts styling hair to left side. He likes to have a little messy hair just anough to look sexier. His hair is now per-fect and as final touch he puts a little bit of his favorite cologne with scent of vanilla and fresh flowers on wrists and neck. Usualy he likes to take his time in the morning because he cares about every detail, but this time ther's no time for some big getting ready process. He grabs his backpack and rushes to school in his red sports car.

He finally arived at high school parking lot but the bell rang a long time ago and everyone is already inside. " Well, ther's nothing I can do now. I better hurry up on my firs class or I will be in trouble with mr. Mallcoln."

It pased two classes since Louis got to school and it's time for lunch.

Hallways are filled with students talking beside their lockers. Louis meets with his best friends Liam, Niall and Zayn at their lockers who are just in line one to another.

Me: "Hey mates."

Liam, Niall and Zayn: "Hi Lou!"

Liam: "You were late again. How's that haha?

Me: "I don't know what's hapening with me this week. I'm up until late hours because I can't sleep, and then in the morning I can't get up, for god's sake."

Niall: "Hmmm, Lou must be madly in love with someone if he has that bad problem's with geting some sleep!" Niall teases him.

Me: "Oh, shut up Niall! You know very well that I can't find someone even if I'd want to."

Niall: "That's not true."

Zayn: "He's right. Girls are always flying around you but you never ever do something about it. I can't understand why?"

Liam: "I mean, If you don't want that sharm or what ever you have that girls like so much, you could give some to us. We will very gladly greet the girls if you don't want them. Don't be such an miser Louis!"

Me: "Ha ha ha, very funny Li. I don't know why, I gues I'm just not looking for a relationship right now, that's all."

Niall: "Well I don't know for you guys, but I'm hungry and I would like if we go to the cafeteria to eat that lunch."

Zayn: "Yes, we can talk on the way there. Let's go."

They start walking towards the cafeteria.

Liam: "Oh yeah! Lou did you hear that we have new student in school."

Me: "No I didn't. Nobody told me. Who is it?"

When the blue and Green eyes meet (Larry Stylinson) Where stories live. Discover now