Chapter 6

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With Ash, Luna and Alex

"C'mon," Nagged Alexander. He filled up his notebook and the girls won't let him get another. "I can't last a day without something to wright on!"
"We have scratch paper, you can wright on that." Ash retorted.
"Uggg...." Alex grew, knowing he can't argue with them.

As the three walk towards the apartment they saw bucky. The only reason knew it was him was because of his metal arm. He kinda looked lost.

"Hey bucky," Luna said. "What are you looking for?"
"Peter ran off." Bucky explained. "Do you know were he could of went?"
"Ya, I do." She stated. "We are heading there right now. It's best you don't come through."
"Why not?" Bucky questioned, with a little concern on his face. They could be going to the moon for all he knew.
"Were leaving." Luna insured ash she and her friends walked past him.
"Where are you going?" Bucky asked. When the teens didn't stop or tell him he reached out for luna's left arm. When we grabbed her wrist she stopped. She tried to pull her wrist out of his grasp, but when she failed, she reached for her shoulder. We were surprised when she continued walking, but she detached her arm. He was surprised, but it didn't stop him for her other arm. This time it wasn't fake.

"You have a fake arm?" Bucky asked.
"You have one also, why is it a big deal?" Luna responded.
"Ya, but why do you have one?"
"I was caught by HYDRA. They experimented on me for about a month. Some point in that time they experimented what fake arms would work on there staff if they were to lose their arm during a fight. They cut off my arm and replaced it with a metal one. They did that just to see if the metal arm they designed would work. I edited it so i would feel more comfortable with it." She explained, with a glare and a sower tone. "Can I have my arm back?"
"Ya." He muttered, handing back her metal arm.

She pulled her hand out of bucky's grasp before the teens sprinted off at top speed. Bucky ran after them.

After 30 minutes of a chance he ran into an alleyway. He saw Alex standing in the middle of it, LUna standing next to him. Looking farther back he saw Ash pulling off her jacket. Under it was a crop top and a wight shirt. A second later blue demon, bat like wings spread out from her back. Shen she shook her head there were two mini ones on her head. She flew up before any questions could be asked.

"Can you tell me where he is?" Bucky shouted.
"Can, but won't." Alex retarted.

Before bucky could do anything else the teen disappeared. He ran forward to where Luna was to grab her and to learn were Peter went. He grabbed her wrist and held it tight.

"Tell me where he is." Bucky said, like a threat.
"If you can catch me." She said.
"I just did."
"No you didn't." she said, smirking. A second later she disappeared.

Looking around the ally he couldn't find her. When he looked up he saw her on a rooftop, still smirking.

"Now!" she yelled.

Bucky was confused, then he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. Then saw alexander run up the wall in front of him. He back flipped off of it and kicked him on the head, still confused about what hit him on his head.

"What was that?" Bucky asked after getting kicked.
"That's for following us!" He heard Alexander say next to him.
"Are you disappearing or teleporting?" Questioned an annoyed Bucky.
"I disappear, luna can teleport and ash has wings." He heard Alex says, but he didn't see him.

Alex ran up the wall, well invisible. When he got on the roof Luna was there and ash was flying above them. They ran towards the apartment were they knew Peter would be if he left the tower. They were going to leave the city. Leave the city. They were going to Baltimore. It has more crime then new york and here it has other heroes. There are no heroes. The cops probably were overworked.

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