Our decision

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Levis pov

Levi finally got to the apartment and opened the door expecting to see you on the couch, but instead was greeted with a trashed apartment. He table hlwever was lerfectly clean, with a white piece of paper folded neatly on it.
He walked to it and picked it up and examined it.

"Y/n?" He called out before reading the words written on the page.

His heart sank dowm to the pit of his stomach as he read the words you painfully wrote and looked around for you, after a moment of searching his eyes locked on you through the door on the balcony, standing close to the edge staring up at the sky.
His hands began shaking as the reality of what he read, and where you were set in.

She gonna....
A rush of adrenaline filled his vains as he tried to run to the door but tripped over his own leg, crashing to the floor and hitting his head against the hard wood.

"Y/N STOP! DON'T DO IT!" HE yelled trying to stand but couldn't find the strength. The world seemed to move in slow motion as he watched you move closer towards the edge. He beat his fist onto the floor as he felt his heart breaking at the sight of the wind whipping through your beautiful hair.

He remembered what he said,
"I will never love you.."

"You're childish.."

"You ruined my reputation.."

Why was he so mean to you? He wondered as you continued ignoring him. He finally managed to stand and took off out the door after you, almost tripping again as he struggled to push the door open it flung against the wall with a loud thud, and you didn't even flinch at the sound. His heart was beating so loudly now it sounds like a drumline practice.
You placed one leg off the side of the railing and fell from sight.

Well almost fell.
Levi snatched you by your waist and crashed safely on the balcony with you tightly in his arms. He couldn't hide it now, the tears came pouring from his eyes as he held you tightly in his arms. Trying not to think about the pain in his shoulder, or what would have happened if he were a millisecond later to get to you.
"Y/n..." he cried as you sobbed in his arms. He squeezed you tighter as he felt your tears against him, making his shirt wet.

"Levi let me do this... this is my decision! I'm trying to better everyone's lives!"

He ignored you and held you tighter, grabbing the back of your head and pulling it into him.

"You stupid brat..." he cried and held you tighter, almost squeezing the breath out of you.


Your pov

Your stomach hurt where Levi grabbed you and forced you into the ground in his arms.
You didn't want to be alive anymore.. can't he realize That?
You hated yourself your whole life, if you could even call it that. You knew your life was pointless, you always did what everyone asked of you and never did anything for yourself.

"I'm sorry I ruined things Levi..." you cried and he held you tighter, so tight you could barley breathe.
The image of him and Petra flashed in your mind and you gripped his shirt in your hands.

The two of you cried on the balcony floor, in silence before he finally cleared his throat.
"You're stupid y/n..." he stood helping you stand with him.
You looked in his stoic grey eyes, filled with tears.

"Don't do that again... no matter what anyone says... no matter what happens ever again..." he cried and you nodded as he pressed his forehead to yours placing his hands on both sides of your face.

"I'm sorry levi... I know you wanted to be with Petra i-"

"I don't want Petra y/n..." he whispered. You gasped as he leaned in and pressed his lips against yours. You felt the knot form in your stomach again as his lips moved, and a feeling of lightheadedness and ecstasy fills your mind and body.
You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around him, he placed his hands on your waist and broke the kiss.

"I was a real jerk... you're right I never got to know you... and I treated you like shit.. all because I didn't want this..." he began and loomed out to the sky which was blue and pink as the sun was beginning to set.

"Levi..." you whispered.
"I'm not angry.."

"I know.. I just want you to know that." He answered, his grasp tightening around you, pulling you in closer, the faint scent of his cologne still lingering on the collar of his shirt.

"Oh my..." a voice called from the door. The two of you looked and you were met with Patrick holding your paper and looked absolutley broken by it.

"Miss y/n! I never knew it was getting this bad..." he spoke in a shake tone as his eyes filled with tears. You released Levi and slowly approached Patrick, almost afraid of what he would say.
You felt your heart break at this sight, of tears leaking down his cheeks. He wrapped his arms around you and cried with you.
"You're like my daughter y/n... please don't ever ever do this again..." he begged and you nodded.
"I can't lose you y/n.. forgive me for speaking out of turn... but I actually love you. You've brought so much joy into master levis life and my own." He sniffles and you bit your lip holding back more tears.

Levi watched from a distance and sighed wiping his tears and looking up at the sky.

"Y/n..." Levi whispered and you looked to him.
"Let's come to an agreement. Let's start over, shall we..?" He offered and held out his hand to you. You nodded and took it and he spun you into his arms and held you close.
"Good. So it's a deal then...." he whispered sending chills down your spine. You touched his face trailing your finger down his jawline and felt stunned by how nice it felt.

"Y/n... I forgot to tell you something..." he whispered. You looked into his eyes as he pressed his forehead to yours.
"What's wrong..?" You asked and he kissed your nose.

"I love you."

Cameras began flashing infront of you snapping a picture of everytime you moved in your fancy dress.
You smiled, looking out at your friends, who were all grouped up to see you.

The picture of yo and eren ended up on the front page of the news paper and magazines. But thankfully it was proven false and edited so nobody paid any attention to it.

"Were here to announce the true engagement of miss y/n (last name) and my nephew Levi ackerman!" Kenny announced. You waved as the cameras flashed some more and Levi snaked his arm around your waist.
Patrick stood next to your friends clapping and smiling brightly, his grand daughter by his side clapping as well. You smiled at the two of them and Patrick blew you a kiss as he lifted his the small girl in his arms and pointed at you, speaking to her.
Eren whistled and cheered as armin snapped pictures and hanji howled.
Petra, who was forced to come by hanji, pouted in the corner watching you stand, right mext to Levi. You couldn't help but feel cocky about it and winked at her.
Before you turned your head away, levis other friend oruo walked up next to Petra and nudged her wit his elbow.

"Congrats to the lovely couple!" Kenny announced. Levi pulled you face to face with him and smiled.
"So, do you still not want to be married?" You asked and he clicked his tongue.

"Maybe you should remind me if I do or not..." he whispered with a. Devious look in his eyes.
You pulled him in close and pressed your lips against his. He closed his eyes and kissed back as more shutter sounds from cameras snapped photos.

"Yeah let's see that kiss levi!" A photographer shouted.
Levi broke the kiss and looked out in the crowd where his mother sat in her wheel chair, looking healthier than the last time you saw her and clapping along with the rest of the crowd. You smiled at how happy Levi looked as his mother cheered and snapped pictures of the two of you.
Your parents were there as well with kuchel, but they were busy talking to other buisness men, as Kenny posed with Levi, who was now the proud new co-CEO of his company, and you his loving soon to be wife.

This ...
You thought as you looked at Levi.

This was the best decision I ever made....

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now