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Your stomach knotted up as levis eyes softened for her once again.
"Petra." He whispered and you bit your lip looking away from the two of them.

"Well y/n.... I didn't know you were here haha" she laughed and you nodded not even looking at her.
You felt levis arm wrap around your shoulders as he pulled you close to him.
"Petra what are you doing here today?" Levi asked as you looked at him.

"I was out with hanji... but she ran off with moblit.. I've been trying to call you you know.."

Levi nodded.
"Yes I saw..."he answered quickly and you gave a sigh.

"Well... can we talk?" She asked. Levi shook his head and glanced at you. You couldn't shake this feeling of panic that arose in you, you wondered what was going to happen next.
If he had to choose you knew he would choose her over you... you hugged the jacket tighter.

Why does that bother me...?

You wondered as the f amilliar brunette rushed up to your group.
"Y/n?? What a surprise!" Hanji yelled giving you a huge hug pushing levis arm off of you.
Moblit gave you a wave and smiled, Petra stood with Levi.

They would make a cute couple....
You thought.

"We were gonna go grab lunch/dinner... do you two wanna come?" Hanji asked as she pulled away.
You glared at Petra and snatched levis arm pulling him to you.
"I shouldnt..." Levi began in his usual monotone voice but you spoke up.

"We would LOVE TO. If Petra doesn't mind." You glared at her and her smile faded.
"I'm mature enough to sit through a dinner if YOU are y/n" she sounded playful but you heard the shitty tone beneath her facade.
You faked a smile and nodded as moblit facepalmed.

"Then let's go!!" The oblivious hanji screamed looping her arm with yours and pulling you out of the mall.

The restaurant was.... expensive looking.
Which made sense... if Levi was rich of course his friends would be too.

You looked at the menu not finding anything that looked good, or it could have been the knot in your stomach that grew larger with everytime Petra laughed at levis comments about the 'class' of some people.
You didn't feel it, but you forced being happy to not give Petra any reason to think other wise.

You clenched your fist down by your side as the waiter brought 4 glasses of wine and your water since you were underage.
Levi sipped his and glanced at you.
"See anything you like?" He asked and you shook your head. You felt like a kid again with how he spoke to you...

"Levi I actually dont feel very well..." you began but Petra interupted.
"Levi look they have your favorite mixed drink here!" She beamed and Levi looked at the menu where her finger pointed.
"You should order it! It's so funny seeing you drink levi" hanji laughed and moblit looked at you from where he sat.
He mouthed the words,

"Are you ok?" And you shook your head.
He nudged hanji with his shoulder and motioned to you with his head and whispered in her ear.
She looked at him then to you with a look of concern.
Then a smile spread across her lips.
"Aaahhhh!!!" She shouted and grabbed her stomach catching the attention of the others at the table.
"My... stomach hurts...i have to go to the bathroom..." she cried.
Petra looked concerned.
"Oh no... should I Go with you?" She asked and hanji shook her head grabbing your arm and pulling you from the table.
"No y/n should. K thanks " she shouted as the two of you ran towards the bathrooms. When you were out of earshot of anyone she leaned against the wall and gave you a smile.
An undeasy feeling rose in you as you arched an eyebrow and opened your mouth to question her.

"So... what's going on sweetie." She asked.
"Faker... your stomach isn't hurting at all is it?" You asked and she laughed shaking her head.
"No... bit I couldn't help but notice you were upset. You weren't smiling at the table... so what is it? Is it the alcohol... I know you're underage." She asked and you shook your head.
The truth was you didn't know why you were upset.

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now