Aaron Wakes

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Aaron woke up in the most uncomfortable bed he'd ever slept on. The pain had long left him, and he sat up. Ria must have finally given in. Guilt filled him as he thought of her. Such a proud woman brought to her knees by a drug, oh that was a low blow.

He studied the room quietly, and took in the still form of him Mate beside him. A smile stretched his lips as he caressed her chilled cheek. She must have been so concerned to sleep next to him.

The pale parlor of her skin and the icy chill registered and alarm filled him. "Ria?"

His hand gently wrapped around her arm, tugging her into his lap and turning her still body so he could comb the hair from her face. "Ria? Wake up, now."

Her breath was thready, and so shallow he wondered if she really even got any air, suddenly fear fill his empty stomach.

"Ria." Te whispered name echoed in the room. "What's happening?"

"Alpha, we need to be going."

"Dalrin, what is happening?"

"Can't she wake?" Aaron shook his head.

"Sir, there is a note on the floor." Aaron reached for it, and then heard the strike of midnight on the grandfather clock somewhere in the house.

His attention was completely on reading the note in his hand that once he finished, his face turned white. The sound of his scream echoed around, and finally her words came back to him.

"It wasn't love . . ." "I know what we would have been." "What we could have been."

'I'm sorry, Aaron. I knew the second I saw you, I wasn't good for you. I was stupid as a child, and because of it, I was cursed by a spiteful witch guarding an ancient arm cuff from Egypt. I can never show submission, or at midnight of the day I do, I die. You'll wake long after I'm gone, and that's alright. I made this choice. It's not love, but it would have been. I'm sorry. Find another Mate, be happy. It always works out, you'll see.

Your would be love

Victora Marie Findly

Aaron screamed out, and Buried his face in his Mates neck.

Dolrin looked away as many things began to make sense. How this was fair was beyond him, and Philip would be glad Dalrin and his brother had finished him rather than letting Aaron have at him.

Life was truly cruel to the poor boy, he mused.. What a beautiful waste of a truly magical bond.

"Ria, not yet." Aaron whispered. "Please, not now."

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