19. Body Reported

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Yes, the title is an Among Us reference.

TW: swearing, yandere talk, much talk of death/suicide, talk of weapons, self harm mentions,


There were hushed whispers the next day, but none of them questioning. Not anymore.

Most were mournful and surprised, discussing what had occurred the day before. Discussing what the police had found.

No one was surprised when an assembly had been called. It was an almost definite thing after what had happened. Everyone wanted to know what the school would say about this. Everyone wanted to know what had actually happened.

The rumors were off the walls, running circles around all of their heads. Roman, Remus, Logan, and Janus were the only ones not talking about it. They were the only ones completely silent. Why discuss what you don't know?

Except they did know at least part of it. Each carried a small part of the guilt. There was nothing to be done, but it still felt like too little. They could never tell anyone why they were guilty, for a cell surely awaited them if they did.

"I'm sure you all know why we're having this assembly," Mr. Sanders said quietly. His voice was sad and tired, like he'd gotten little sleep the night before. It was likely he hadn't slept much at all. "It's a sad day. Not just because we lost so many lives, but because of why we lost them." He paused, as if lost in thought for a second. "Let me be real with you for a second. I've never dealt with something like this before. In all of our school's history, it has never gotten to this point. I'm ashamed we couldn't stop it."

"There was no other murder last night Thomas stated. "There was a death, but not a murder. The police went to investigate Patton Heart, and as you know, he was found missing. The police looked everywhere and all through his things, searching for some sort of clue about what had happened. I'm sure you've all heard by now about the bloody knife that was found there, and that the blood was from one of the two bodies discovered the other day. I'm sorry to say that Patton was the murderer." A stunned silence filled the room. Rumors were one thing, but for them to actually be true is another. "There was a note in his room that confessed to the entire thing. His finger prints were all over the paper and it was in his hand writing. His finger prints were also on the knife."

"Not only that, but the police eventually found Patton last night." Everyone seemed to be on the edge of their seats, waiting for the news of what had happened. "Patton's body was found in the river. The note that held his confession was also his suicide note. It was clear he had jumped from the bridge, and there were several heavy stones in his pockets when they found him. There were also several self harm scars and cuts on his arms."

"We want to use this as a learning moment for all of us. If you need help, get help, please. Don't suffer in silence. Yes, what Patton did was wrong, but he may have been able to get help. Now it's too late for him, but it doesn't have to be for you. This has been such a stressful and shocking time, and I want to remind you that we have counselors available to talk to at all times, completely free of charge. Please talk to them if you need to, they're here for a reason. And if there's anything I can do to help any of you, please tell me and I will gladly do so. Classes will be ending early today to mourn the loss of Patton Heart, despite what he did. He was still a person, and he still suffered in silence. Plus, after all the stress lately you all should get a chance to take a break. Teachers also won't be assigning any new homework. Thank you for your time, and remember I'm always here if you need me."

Most at the assembly felt sad, and yet relieved that the murders would be stopping now. But the four just sat there, a small piece of the guilt in their hearts.

Hi, Lucy here. I thought I'd include the suicide note for random purposes that will have zero affect on the story.

I can't take it anymore. The guilt overwhelms me every day. So much blood is on my hands, and it never washes off no matter how hard I scrub at it, because it's all in my mind. I can see the blood of everyone who's died on my hands, and I can't live with it any longer.
I'm sorry to everyone. I shouldn't have let it get this far, but I can't stop it now. It'll be a better world once I'm gone. I'm not ready to die, but I can't live either. Living with this would be like living with a weight on my soul, and I can't do that anymore. I want to be free.

And there it is.

868 words.

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