Chapter One

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Chapter One


Southern Virginia

December, 1864


Sergeant Cole Turner crashed through the night-blackened woods, stumbling over stumps and snow-dusted underbrush. His lungs burned and his wounded shoulder ached, but he dared not stop or slow even a fraction. Enemy soldiers were closing in on him, and he needed to find a place to lay low until he could deliver the packet of sensitive information tucked in his satchel to Colonel Raymond.

Angry shouts followed him through the woods. If the troop of soldiers gained on him any more they'd no doubt shoot him again without so much as attempting to question him.

Drenched with sweat and blood, Cole plunged ahead, silently praying that he was running in the correct direction. He'd grown up in these parts, and under less pressured circumstances he knew the area like the back of his hand. If he wasn't mistaken the Calhoun Caves were just ahead. The caves were difficult to find in broad daylight, and would be the perfect place to lose the enemy soldiers now.

He tripped over a large rock and crashed to the ground. Pain shocked through his injured shoulder. He groaned and levered himself up with his good arm. Moonlight filtered through the trees, giving shape to a looming black shadow.

The caves.

Cole dragged himself over several rocks and up a slight rise until he managed to locate a craggy opening in the uneven rock walls. Darkness consumed him as he crawled inside, and the temptation to lie down and succumb to total exhaustion nearly overpowered him. He didn't dare, however. He couldn't risk it. Breathing ragged, he forced himself to sit and leaned against the uneven rock wall. Clutching his Colt revolver he forced himself to remain calm and alert.

Shouts from outside the caves pierced the night. Cole chanced a covert glance through the cave mouth. He quickly spotted soldiers on foot scouring the area near where he'd fallen, and an officer sitting on a massive black horse rode in circles around the men. Golden lantern light pooled eerily around the squad.

"He can't have disappeared."

"There is a smear of blood here, but I can't tell which way he ran."

"I'd reckon he'll keep heading north. Let's keep moving. He's hurt. I have no doubt we'll catch up with the bastard or find him dead soon."

The soldiers disappeared into the thick woods.

For the first time since the chase had begun Cole had the upper hand. He dared not relax, however, he had a long way to go before his mission was complete. Creeping out of the cave, he kept to the thicker shadows and veered away from the direction the other soldiers had traveled. With any luck he'd stumble upon the Jackson farm soon. Exhausted and in pain Cole lurched into an unsteady jog. He weaved through the heavy foliage, struggling to stay on his feet. Finally the trees thinned, and a moment later he staggered into a cleared field. Moonlight illuminated a wooden barn, fences, and a modest two-story house that was so achingly familiar his heart nearly stopped.


He ducked under the fence, gaze locked on the golden glow emanating from the first floor windows. Dare he hope she was home? He'd proposed to her on that very porch three years ago, but he hadn't laid eyes on her since.

Legs weak, he staggered across the yard. He'd been running hell-bent for miles, and the end was finally in sight. Gasping for breath, he tripped on the first stair of the porch, completely spent. Gripping the rail, he hauled himself up. He was taking a big gamble in coming here, but at this point he was completely out of other options.

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