Chapter 13

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3 Divines essence had been collected. But what if there were not as free as Ammra thought? What if there was a price to be paid?

 But what if there were not as free as Ammra thought? What if there was a price to be paid?

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Ammra totally did not expect to experience such a thing with Miraak. All of the haunting pressure brought by her past faded though she remained cautious. She still believed Miraak was planning something. His power was returning and he would attack.

As soon as they arrived in Riften—after landing the dragon somewhere no human lived—the two headed to the Temple of Mara. "Only Mara and Dibella have their energy centered in the temple." She explained. When they entered the hall, a Dunmer priest greeted them.

"Welcome, Mara foretold you would come." She said while gazing at them one by one. "I know what you seek child." The priest turned to Ammra. "Follow me."

The priest took them into a hall where Ammra could do the ritual. It was done like other rituals but when she obtained the orb, she furrowed her brows. "It's not supposed to be like this." She said while observing it. "Mara did not give her full blessing. She only said I need to find her source of power somewhere else to complete this gem."

"Mara's power is in love and compassion. What else did she tell you, child?" the priest asked.

"She said the source could be nowhere and everywhere at the same time. It could be near and far." Ammra paused. "Is this some sort of riddle?"

"I believe she wanted you to understand her blessing first before attempting of using it." 

Ammra left the place after she knew that was all she could get there. 

"Why couldn't just she told me where!" she sulked when they stepped out of the temple. Miraak was startled when she suddenly pulled him to the corner of the street. "Stay there and let me hide behind you."

A group of what it seemed to be people of the high social class passed them. After a moment, Miraak turned his head but Ammra was not behind him. "Are they gone already?" her voice came out from the barrel. It moved as Ammra opened the cover. "Geez...Seeing Maven Black-Briar and her henchmen just made my mood worse!" she grumbled.

He couldn't imagine how she fit in there. Miraak remained silent watching another of his Dragonborn kin made her way out of the barrel.

When he noticed she still looked totally unhappy, he decided to speak. "Why don't you figure it out while trying to get another blessing?" her face suddenly brightened.

"You are right! How clever!" she exclaimed.

Miraak sighed. He never saw someone who could be brilliant but idiot at the same time until now. The more he observed her, the more he thought Ammra was annoyingly sweet as well as distracting.

"So, you really came, huh? How are you, lass?" a Nord man with red hair stopped them in the track. His way of looking her in the eyes made Miraak uneasy in an instant.

[SKYRIM]: The Name of Time - Miraak & Female Dragonborn FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now