i'll be okay as long as you are | dorbyn

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- mentions of blood, i guess?
- oh, and strong language if i need to warn for that.
- and unedited because i do not have an editor and i cannot edit my own works ^-^


"i told you you should have gone before we left," corbyn teases.

he puts no effort into holding back his laugh at daniel's clear discomfort. he deserves it. he's been complaining the whole walk back to the bus as if he was a toddler and corbyn is tired. he just wants to get back and cuddle up next to daniel in a tiny bunk and sleep.

daniel shoots him a glare. corbyn bites his lip to desperately stop his giggle. "i didn't need then."

they walk for a few more steps and then daniel lets out a short, quiet sigh. corbyn glances at him, an eyebrow raised.

"can you seriously not hold it 'til we get back?"

daniel's jaw is set hard. he isn't looking at corbyn, which corbyn knows is entirely intentional. "no," he mutters.

corbyn's laugh escapes before he can stop it, loud and sudden and he covers his mouth with his hand to shut himself up because daniel is going to end up pushing him in front of a car if he doesn't. his eyes fall on a restaurant across the street and he points to it.

"you could ask if they'll let you use their bathroom."

the relief on daniel's face is instant. he crosses the road and corbyn follows behind, stopping outside the door.

"i'll wait here," he says. "don't get lost."

daniel rolls his eyes and heads inside, the sound of corbyn's laughter fading the further inside he gets. he finds a waitress and explains that he really needs to use the bathroom and she's sympathetic enough, pointing in the direction of them. daniel considers taking his time just to fuck with corbyn, but he does want to get back to the bus.

plus it's late and it's cold and corbyn is waiting outside (and neither of them had the forethought to bring a proper jacket) and they really should be heading back. and corbyn is sensitive to the cold and daniel already knows that corbyn is going to complain as soon as he gets back outside.

he thanks the waitress with a small wave and a wink and steps back outside, the cold air slapping him in the face. he turns to his left, expecting to find corbyn but corbyn is nowhere to be seen.

daniel furrows his eyebrows and glances left, then right. "corbyn?" he calls out.

"dan- dani," comes corbyn's voice, quiet, from just a few feet away.

daniel follows the voice to an alley not far from the door to the restaurant. corbyn is standing there, one hand braced against the wall. the cold really must be getting to him.

"what are you doing?" daniel chuckles. at least now he has an excuse to tease corbyn the rest of the way back to the bus.

but then corbyn lets out a weak, "i'm sorry," and his legs are giving out beneath him, his body sliding down against the wall.

daniel's heart drops with corbyn's body and he rushes over, falling to his knees in front of him. "what's wrong?" he demands, voice shaking.

corbyn blinks back tears. "i tried to stop him," he breathes, trying to curl closer to daniel.

his voice is somehow shakier than daniel's is and daniel gives him a once over, trying to find the problem. corbyn is wearing all black but his hand- his hand is clutching his side and it's red. blood red and daniel gently pushes his hand away before using his own trembling hands to lift the hem of corbyn's t-shirt.

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