beaten then saved

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you told her you loved her and that she was perfect but when her walls started tumbling down she never thought she would have to try an build them back up but you turned so mean so cruel she thought you were the one but she was wrong you screamed an yelled an never seemed to give a fuck about her or anyone else in the world you said she was the only one you loved but she knew it wasn't true when it came out of your mouth when she cried you told her everything was alright but nothing was alright she was walking through town an saw you an her an she saw the way you looked at her it was the same way you looked at her an tears started streaming down her face you never noticed when she cried enless she was crying for days it got to the point she tryed to leave but he grabbed her an told her she's not going anywhere so she went an slowly unpacked her bags an sat on the bed you walked in the room with a big smile on your face to propose to her she said no I can't stay here any longer her arms were covered in cuts an bruises that he caused she finally told him she don't like being abused an that she deserves better he said he had enough an threw her on the floor she cried more as he kicked her when he left she finally grabbed the phone to call for help but soon found out he cut the wire an as she struggled to get to her feet she started to walk around to find a phone she soon found an old cell phone an got some help an he was arrested an sentenced to life in prison for asult she woke up an found her self in a hospital bed with a sigh she realized she was finally safe and she healed an found someone else an let her walls tumble down again an never had to build them back up she realized she found the one.......... :) ;) :3 <3

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