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Jay's POV

I tried not to breakdown by anything but I guess I was wrong. I sighed and decided to maybe try and brush my hair.

When everyone was asleep I went above deck with a brush.

"Jay!" I jumped startled

"Oh, ello Capitan"

"Come here" I nodded and tried to not blush.

"What is it Capitan?"

"Why do you seem more distant from the crew?" I was about to say I wasn't but he gave me that look and I slumped my shoulders

"Sorry Capitan those secrets are for me to hear only" I stated trying not to be upset and try to climb the sails "Now if you excuse me" I almost choked back tears it was painfully hard to even look at him.

"Oi! Captain! Someone's in the water!" I looked shocked before realizing the person was familiar.

I grabbed some rope and tied the rope around my waist and dived in the water. I pulled the person up by which he groaned.

"It's okay bro. Your alive" I reassured as we were pulled back on the ship

"Jay! OhMyGosh! Your here!" My brother said hugging me

"Hey bro how's everyone?"

"They don't even care if..."

"Look bro. Don't call me lass again" I pouted playfully. Then he noticed my get up and around us and nodded

"This is your brother Jay? You never told us" Gibbs says

"I'm entitled to my privacy as well as piracy Mr. Gibbs" I huffed out blowing my bangs away.

I led Obsidian towards the farthest corner of the ship which means we can talk perfectly

"We're in Pirates of the Caribbean!" I nodded

"I became a pirate bro"

"But..they don't know your true gender am I right?" I nodded

"Since I first came here" I popped

"Who rescued you?"

"Who do you think?" I muttered

"We're in Dead Man's Chest am I right?" I nodded holding back my tears "oh Jay" I hugged him as he smoothly passed his fingers in my hair

"I can't" I chocked

"I know sis" he whispered very low.

For the next week or so when we get to the island Obsidian has been protective of me and working with me.

I hugged him one last time as I went with Will.

"You two are neither dead or alive" I looked up and spoke before Will

"I'm here to take the debt of my Captain" I stated

"And who might that be?"

"Captain Jack Sparrow. And may I say Captain Davy Jones your human form is a bit more inviting" I said bluntly which made me get lifted

"What yer say blasted female!?"

"Yer heard me" I mocked. I may not be wise but I know this will earn me at least a few souls more for Jack.

Will and I were taken on the Pearl again.

"Well it seems you sent two to pay your debt"

"Actually it was just the male not the one who you threw"

"You know Capitan Idiota usually I would get thanks for damming my life" I growled

"The one who is calling the idiot an idiot is an idiot themselves"

"But not if the one calling the person an idiot has a very good idiotic reason to call that person an idiot and therefore actually being an idiot"

Everyone's mouth dropped. I just outspoke Captain Jack Sparrow.

"I'll accept this one. But why should I accept the other?"

"He's in love. Engaged."

I zoned out until I'm thrown aboard the Flying Dutchman.

"Damn this fucking pain" I cursed laughing and groaning

Everyone stared at me I stuck my tongue out and got up freeing myself and Will

"Jay what are you doing here?"

"Why the same reason as your here" I said smiling as were put to work. I do not fancy being on the ship when Elizabeth is being courted by Jack.

I sighed as I took the whip for Will.

"Are yer sure your not engaged to him?" Someone asked

"Sorry if I was getting married he wouldn't be brother material" I muttered in a smartass kind of way

"Jay your a smart arse sometimes" Will shook his head as he tried to take the whips for me then Bill comes in

"I'll take the whips!" I hissed in pain glaring up defiantly as long as Jack and my brother were away from this dreadful ship I was fine with pain.

"Bootstrap you'll whip her"

It's alright I mind linked nodding at his shock as showed him what the mission was I knew he regretted the whip marks but I just shrugged it off

"Tia was right you did turn into a monster" I said sourly to myself

"What was that!?" He barked

"Monstruo" I shot at him as I almost collapsed in pain if Will didn't help me continue work.

"Are you alright Jay?"

"Sure thing Will. Just let me get it together" I zoned out until it came to the game I won all the games because I remembered the numbers of dice of each of them and since I always played with my aunt who never played fair I leaned how to win this game.

"You set Bootstrap Bill free, and Will too. As for my third request you free my Captain"

Everyone was shocked I didn't take it myself

"The first two are done but the third forget it" I stood up and looked at him straight in the eyes

"Then we have an open debt" I stated leaving until Will and Bill were ready

"You got the key?" I whispered he nodded and we left Bill stayed as I showed him what happens in World Ends. He would be the new Captain of the Flying Dutchman.

Oh Crap I'm in Pirates of the Caribbean!Where stories live. Discover now