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I dressed in my boyish clothes and walked to school again.

It was my last day of high school and I packed my bag full of electronics and clothes and decided not to go home today.

I ran towards my loving bf kissing the school slut. I slammed the door shut on them and finally had the last straw and ran towards the camping cabin I hid.

Great I just had the worse day. I turned the tv on to see that Pirates of the Caribbean was on.

I smiled slightly and decided to watch. I hadn't realized that I fell asleep until something tossed me into coldness.

Which made me swim up and see I was in the ocean.

"What the?" I asked confused trying to find something to hang on to but I couldn't. "WTH!?" I shouted or more like screamed as I almost blacked out if a hand didn't grab me and pulled me up into a small ship.

"Hey! Hey!" I couldn't take it anymore I fell into a deep slumber until I felt the sun on me. "Ah your awake lad"

I glared until my mouth dropped in shock.

"What the fucking hell!!!!???" I yelled

"Well not how I would greet the person who rescued me but oh well"

"You! What!?" I asked shocked "why would you do that? This ship can't hold both of us!"

"What's your name boy?" I flushed the actual CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW THINKS I'M A FUCKING BOY!!

Wait..this might work in my favor.

"Jay" I said my real first name "Jay Florian" I said

"Oh Spanish" I glared

"Got a problem with it?" I growled

"Not at all laddie" I nodded and took out my daggers. I was still in my regular clothes which was great.

These could pass as clothes of this time.

"Now what's your name?" I asked faking my curiosity

"Captain Jack Sparrow" I nodded and jumped on the deck as he just walked on

"You are one damn lucky man" I grumbled

"Why thank you" he stated I rolled my eyes

"Hey you two! No civilians on the ship!" A navy sailor stated

"And a great job I will let you know when I see one" I chuckled shaking my head as the scene continued until we heard a splash.

"Take this lad" he takes off his hat, pistol, and belt.

"Sure thing Capt" I muttered "womanizer" I grumbled "why is it always womanizers?"

"The corset is cutting air off her" I stated to Jack when I handed him one of my daggers. I have two and if he so much as messes either of them up I will kick his ass and send him to Davy Jones Locker myself!

"Put your guns down!" I heard I groaned

"Seriously? He just saved the Governors daughter! No thank you!?"

"Aye the lads right" I bit my lip as Jack's brand showed

"You lad come here" I glared and passed the things to one of the navy sailors and got my dagger back

"Look here mister I don't care if your Commodore or not. You fucking leave me alone or I will kick your own ass to Davy Jones Locker myself!" I hissed as everyone's faces were shocked.

Elizabeth is taken captive by Jack to get his stuff back. I felt a little jealous but dismissed it.

There was no bloody way I was going to fall for that womanizer!

"Your despicable" Elizabeth spat at Jack as he grabbed me and made me jump

"Aye love. Ladies and gentlemen this will be the day where you will remember of almost catching Captain Jack Sparrow" then he jumped and we swam to the blacksmith's place.

I let him free of the shackles when he pushed me to a wall.

"Wth!?" I growled

"How do you know Davy Jones? And his Locker?" He asked seriously

"Rumors and stories" I grumbled pulling him behind the drunk boss

"Right where I left you" Will stated at his boss "Not where I left you" I mentally cursed Jack and myself for being careless

Then there's the fight I just threw my dagger at both Will and Jack

"Enough you two" I grumbled taking my daggers back. "Jack watch-! Out...."

Too late an empty rum bottle took him out.

"Well done"

"Eh just doing my duties"

"You bastard Will was the one who fucking did the heavy lifting! You humph!" Will covers my mouth with his hand and wraps an arm around my small waist basically pinning my arms by the side

I half wanted to bite or lick his hand and half wanted to see where I would end up.

"Take the pirate to the cell. Take this lad as a butler to Miss Swann" I glared at Commodore and Will. I bit Will's hand which blood surfaced

"I'd rather be thrown in a cell!" I cried out struggling

"That can be done" I heard before I blacked out

Oh Crap I'm in Pirates of the Caribbean!Where stories live. Discover now