chapter one

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sweet boy straight out of the movie screen



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chapter one

where the saints and sinners run free

your ice-cold heart did not suit well with the fire set by your passion. me

Meredith Jones was odd.

She had been called worse things in the seventeen years of her life, she knows, like a victim to the set of unaccomplished people that many had called bullies. A weirdo. Wacko. Nutcase, in one, very unforgettable instance, right before she punched someone in the nose for the first time.

Things only went downhill ever since her parents' divorce.

"Who does she think she is?" people had gasped around her quite loudly, watching as she fell into the middle of the Queens one unfortunate day, as a new student at Midtown High.

Her parents' divorce was rough on her. Her mom had been shitty— verbally abusive being a much more required term here. Her dad was hardly ever around but once he had enough of his wife, he packed his and Meredith's belongings up, gave over the divorce papers to her mom and moved away as far as he could.

It was wrong to call her odd, she believed. Meredith Jones was irrevocably fucked up.

"What are you wearing?" her dad had asked her when she showed up at the hospital once in her dirty, over-sized, green sweater depicting a knife-wielding pig and the word KILLER FOOD in bold letter underneath. It's a fashion statement , she insisted. He had eyed the bright pink pants and unmatched shoes warily, but didn't say anything more. 

"It's a fashion statement."

She said that about the pink hair too.

Her neighbors, the Parkers and their nephew Peter —if their mailbox was to be trusted— once found her cleaning out the driveway they shared at 3AM on a Monday, muttering about Navier-Stokes equation and cackling madly over something in the renaissance in her drunk state. Peter Parker stared. She stared right back.

"Uh," he said, potently. Then, "The driveway needs the snow cleared not um— not cleaned."

She swore in three different languages and had fled the scene, a bucket full of water and an amused—if not also confused— boy left in her wake.

Yeah. Meredith Jones was odd, and her father was absent most of the time and her mom was sick in the head. But one day it will be okay— gone, one day it will be gone, MJ.

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