Chatper Eight- Annabelle

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Chloe began reading once again.

Name: Annabelle

Age: 17

Supernatural type: Fairy

Advantage/powers: Fairies have amazing healing powers, can fly and are naturally very kind and gentle. They are one with nature and animals, so they therefore use that to their advantage.

Weakness: Fairies aren't strong nor fast, that's why flying is so valuable to them. Sometimes their kindness gets the better of them and they forgive too easily. The death of animals, family, friends or even plants affect them greatly.

Extra Features: Wings, brighter eyes and pointier ears.

"That sounds awesome! I'm a fairy! The only downfall is that I'll have pointy ears, maybe I can use them as a weapon though" said Annabelle.

"Haha, good idea. Now read mine!" Said Shannon

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