Midnight Music-2

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Tenten PoV

"Tenten! Get your butt outta bed!" I peeked over the covers to see 4 very messy haired teens.

"I don't wanna go shopping!" I said rolling over. Now I know why no one wanted this bed; the sun shines right in your eyes.

"Well to bad! If I gotta be up so do you." Ino said.

"Ugh, fine." I got out of bed and realized I was only in a bra and booty shorts. Hinata blushed, but she was the only one. The other girls just smirked.

'Omg, they are totally lesbians...'

I walked to the bathroom and locked the door, cuz I didn't want any of them jumping me while I was in the shower. I proceeded to wash my hair and body. I got out of the shower, but then I realized... I had no clothes and no towels.

"Shit... now I gotta ask one of them." I muttered. I cracked the door open a little and spoke to the one closest to the door.

"Psst, Sakura?" She turned to the door with question. She had brushed her hair and put a headband on. She was wearing a red dress now too.

"Can you grab me my clothes? They're already in my dresser." I whispered. The other girls somehow heard and they perked up

'Oh my kami somebody help me. I'm gonna be raped by the end of this year...'

"Yay we can give you a makeover!" Shouted Temari

"Yeah no offense, the sweatpants suit you an' all, but you gotta show off those curves if you wanna get the guys!" Sakura said. Ok... maybe she's not a lesbian...

"Fine. Just get me a towel or something." I rolled my eyes. Do I really need a makeover? I like my clothes, my curves were hid, my figure wasn't seen, so I was ok with it. Last time I tried wearing something even remotely close to 'fitted', I almost got jumped by 3 guys in an alley.

"Be ready, I'm gonna make you look irrasistable." Ino said.

Oh my kami, send help.

The girls dressed me in light pink pants that went just below the knee, and a white and red jacket. I had my regular twin buns in also, much to Hinata's insistence I let my hair down. (A/N: Outfit at the top.)  Ino did a quick makeup job and I have to say, she lived up to expectation; I looked hot.

"To the mall!"

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