MaiYok - Christmas Eve

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Yok stares at the cold noodle cup infront of him while sitting outside a convenience store. He sighed, why would he feels sad? It's not the first time it happened anyway. It just him hurting himself by expecting to much. But... can he hopes a little? That he will come? Eventhough it's already 3 hours he's waiting for that man to come.

He checks his phones - a new release flipped phone again for the nth times. This phone he only uses everytime he wants to contact that man. The one gave him the phone. "If you need me, you can contact me now. If you feel sad, call me. Okay? Don't smoke the nasty things again because you're sad." He said.

Yok wants to laugh, why would he give me this phone when I can't even contact him? Everytime I tried to contact him, it went to the voicemail. He throws the phone at the table. Then, he fish out the 'nasty thing' that man hated. Who cares if he smokes anyway? He used to smokes even before he met that man. When the cigs almost reaches his mouth, he feels a hand grabs his wrist. Yok looks at the hand that grabbed his wrist and then to the owner.

He welcomed with a glare from the owner of that hand. Before Yok can stops him, he throw the cigs to the ground and stepped on them.

"Didn't I told you to stop smoking, Yok?"

Yok rolled his eyes, "Why are you here?"

That man sighed and sits infront of Yok, "I'm sorry.. My boss gave me another job, so I need to finished them before come here"

"It's okay.. Let's just go home, phi. You must be tired"

"But you said you want to go the mall right? See the christmas light?"

Yok laughs, "It's ten pm already"

The smile on that man's face were gone, "Oh.. I don't know it was already this late"

He wants to get angry to this man. Did he knows Yok needs to sneak out so his parents won't found out he goes out this late? Did he knows that Yok has to walked this far to the convenience store?

Because this convenience store is so far away from his neighborhood and his school. He came here because they decided to meet here so people won't know about them. But Yok just sighed instead, he didn't even know what their relationship is. How could he be angry at him?

Yok puts his jacket on and smiles at his Phi, "P'Mai, just go home okay? I'm gonna go home too"

And then he walked away..

Mai tries to chase him and grabbed his arms, "Yok, don't be like this na? You know how busy I am.. You know I can't just leave my responsibility right?"

"I know.. that's why I said you need to go home, no?"

That man looks so frustrated, "What do you want me to do, Yok? What should I do so you'll forgive me?"

"Nothing.. just go home, phi.."

"We can go around the city with my bike.. Would you like that?" Mai tried again with his soft voice.

If Mai do this to him everytime he gets angry, how could he not forgive him? Mai always know what to do at every situation. He knows every little things that will make Yok's happy. And he hates it. He hates that P'Mai can see through him.

Mai smiles at him and strokes his head softly, "C'mon! Let me treat you with your fave noodle first okay? I know you haven't eat anything yet. And then we could ride my bike around the city okay? The city looks even more beautiful when there's no people around"

"Could I get an ice cream too?" Asked Yok, feels less angrier than before.

Mai intertwined their hand, "Ofcourse.. I need to treat my little Yok because I made him upset earlier, right?"

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