Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
"No, that s a terrible idea."

"Well then help me think of something better!"

"This is your problem! You re lucky I m even helping you, loser."

"Come on, man. I m desperate. You ve got more experience than I do here."

"All right, all right. Let me see it again."

Naruto handed the notebook back up to Sasuke. For six hours they d been handing it back and forth, each scratching out the other s words to add their own. Only the top line remained the same: Dear Hinata.

After their awkward kiss the week before, Naruto hadn t been able to see much of Hinata. His political science courses had proven to be even more difficult than he d expected. Any free time was spent at the student resources building or at Sakura and Sasuke s apartment, being tutored. He d decided to leave a note in her dorm asking her to meet him for lunch, but writing the note was proving to be a bigger challenge than his classes.

Sasuke scanned the paper again.

"It s too corny. Not surprising, coming from you, but you want her to think you re cooler than this, seeing as you saved her at the party and all."

"Sakura told me to write all that sweet stuff, to make me more sensitive."

"Sensitive doesn t work for you. You can t hold it up in person. Just make it simple."

"Simple, huh? Lemme see."

Sasuke handed the notebook back. Naruto switched to a new sheet of paper and quickly scribbled his note out. Once finished he gave it back to Sasuke, who nodded as he read it.

"Much better."

Naruto stood and tore the note out, folding it neatly before tucking it into the pocket of his shorts.

"Thanks man. You re a douche but you ve always got my back."

"And you re a loser but I believe in you."

The two performed their usual first bump and Naruto walked outside. He headed to the bus station, a swagger creeping into his walk as the note in his pocket boosted his confidence. It was short and to the point, laid back but not too uncaring. Perfect.

The bus stopped a few blocks from Hinata s dorm. As Naruto approached, the surge of confidence started to fade.

What if she really didn t mean to kiss me and think weirdo I only talked to her that one day. Will it creep her out that I m suddenly inviting her for a date? Maybe I shouldn t bother her

"Hey you! In the orange hoodie, wait up!"

Naruto turned to see a lean, muscular brunette jogging toward him. Her long hair was tied up into a messy bun, and the sweatshirt and shorts she wore were drenched with sweat.

"Uh hi?"

"Hey. You re the boy who helped Hinata last week right? I m her roommate. She told me all about you. My name is TenTen." She offered her hand, which Naruto gingerly took into his own. The force of her shake made him wince.

"Ow- yeah that was me. You said you re her roommate? say, do you think you could give her something for me?"


Naruto handed TenTen the note.

"A love letter huh?" TenTen winked and chuckled as she tucked the note into a small pack around her waist.

"N-no it s nothing like that! I just, uh well I haven t seen her around and "

"Haha, it s okay. I was joking. I ll make sure she gets it. What s your name again?"

𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔→𝙉𝙖𝙧𝙪𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙖 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙚 𝘼𝙐Where stories live. Discover now