Quick Notice(3)

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(I am sorry for not updating in the last week,I noticed some errors like in Fairy tail I put Natsu's Coat.

Natsu's Coat is my combination of his black Jacket and black leg flaps.)

(Also Jackson's Love Interest is Ezra Tatanya or The Fairy Queen.)

(Sharigan Sage mode is possible and has been done before.)

(Hogumara Otsusiki or The Sage of Six Paths used Mangekyou Sage Mode vs Kaguya Otsusiki with Homura Otsusiki)

(His Mangekyou Sharigan became orange but still had black pupils and designs)

(I will Introduce Sage Mode Sharigan in the Next Chapter)

(Jackson will not do the <Fairy Spear> anytime soon)

(Important Note:
?????????? Is not Infinity but Great Red)

So whenever ????????? Is mentioned it is Great Red.

(Next Chapter is coming soon)

By the Way the Next World is RWBY then Fairytail later on Naruto)

(And it is Fairy tail not Fairytale)

Two chapters coming in today✌

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