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Blaire's POV
I took Matthew up and took him downstairs with Max following behind me. I set him down on one of the kitchen barstool chairs in the kitchen.

"Here honey eat up,"Jelena told Matt. I patted Jelena softly on her back telling her to follow me to the dining room.

We went in and saw everyone sitting and having conversation. When Jelena and I made it in, they turned and looked on me.

"Well....uhm...Matthew is an omega you all know that. He hasn't been treated right, he had bruises on his arms, his legs, his back and on his stomach. He ran away or they throw him out... uhh he didnt have a name so I asked him if he wanted a name and he smiled so brightly it could light your world...I named him Matthew and he said he liked it." I started smiling at the next part I was going to tell them "he called me mommy...because he said that mommy's give baby's a name and since i gave him a name he started calling me mommy."

"Awwww..." "Can I see him?" Ofcourse it had to be Emery who asked. "Yea he's eating...uhm does anyone have candy I'm running low." Emery and Maxen started running around like a chicken lost there head. Ok I need candy...

"Uhm I'll check the cupboards."

"I'll check my car." I started walking around the kitchen leaving my baby Matthew clueless. I started thinking of all the sweets that could help me not go insane and it helps.

"Ok I found a bag of hobo gummy bears in my compartment." Ooo gummy bears. I started eating them. I looked up and saw Max eating some sour patches. "Your sugar was running low too?" "Naw well not really... Keir started go crazy so that's when I know my sugar is getting low...now if I didnt eat any of this then all of moms kitchen would be gone."

"I witness that" Mateo said "This dude is like a vicious rogue on the loose when his sugar's low. One time it was extremely low and ge destroyed the whole of moms flower garden without knowing he did...we had to set out trails of sweets so he could eat and calm down."

"And I did my time and I said I was sorry even though I didnt know what took place."I laughed

"Matt,baby are you finished eating?" "Yes mommy."

"I got a new grand baby...one that's more innocent than Raphael and The twins."

"Come on baby let's get you to bed. Say goodnight."

"Goonight" "Awww....he so cute" everyone said. "Ahhh....I'm dying of adorableness and cuteness." Emery with his overdramatic self....this dude have baby fever I tell you.

I brought Matthew upstairs and lay him down on the bed. I hope Max doesnt mind. "Mommy where you going?" " it's ok Matt I'm going to change and get ready for bed ok" "OK" I cant take this. His adorable mess is killing me. I'm just glad we found him so we can take care of him.

Maybe I can bring Rae and Nadia with me tomorrow and take him shopping to buy clothes for him. I heard the door open. "Hey belle"

"Hey cutie.... hope you dont mind if Matt could sleep with us?"

"I dont mind...I could use some cuteness right now...he could sleep with us anytime he wants except for our intimate nights." I giggled at what he said.

"Hey buddy." Max said taking a seat at the foot of the bed. "Hi"he replied shyly. "How you doing?" Max asked.

"Fine...are you gonna take care of me?" "Yes I am, even mommy too...we are gonna make sure enjoy your time, make sure your healthy and go to school, take you shopping for clothes that'll fit you and maybe when we get to my personal house you get your own bedroom you and decorate it but most importantly we'll love you?"

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